  Which Is More Important, Diploma or Competence?
  Which is more important, diploma or competence? It is a much-discussed question. Many people beli
eve diploma is of great importance since it is the first requirement for job hunters. With an increasing number of graduates pouring into the job market, diploma becomes the criterion for selecting candidates.
  However, there are many people holding the opinion that competence is much more important than diploma in practice. Many companies favor those who have professional skills and practical experience in dealing with emergencies, especially those who can take the initiative when given a challenging task.
  To the best of my knowledge, it is reasonable to say that diploma is important when people hunt for a job, while competence is relatively more important when people deal with a practical problem. Therefore, it is better to get the diploma first and then make every effort to put what you have learned into practice.
  The Technological Advances and the Changes in Lifestyle
  In the picture, we can tell a gradual change of writing tools ranging from the brush to the pen and then to the computer with the handwriting becoming poorer and poorer. This is the epitome of people's changes in lifestyle caused by the advances of technologies.
  As is obviously demonstrated, the development of technology is a double-edged sword. It cannot be denied that people's life becomes more convenient and comfortable with the emergence of new and advanced technologies. However, modern technologies also have some negative impacts, which cannot be ignored either. In fact, some people are confined by technologies to a mechanical cage where they use machines at work and live like an ever-running machine, stiff and inflexible.
  Therefore, to live a healthy life, people should make full use of the benefits brought by the technological advances and preserve the essence of the previous lifestyles.
2020年四六级考试时间  On Online Payment
  With the rapid growth of online shopping, online payment has become an irresistible trend in modern society. It is beyond all doubt that online payment does bring great benefits to people. One of its most obvious advantages is the convenience it brings. Compared with traditional payment methods limited by time and space, online payment makes it possible for consumers to complete the purchasing behavior at anytime and anywhere.
  As online payment is in vogue, how to ensure payment security is put into the spotlight. To begin with, we should give priority to choosing secure and credible websites and reading the privacy and security policies before making any purchases. In addition, when paying, it is advisable to use the third-party payment platform to make sure that payment information has not been infringed. Last but not least, it is of great urgency that relevant laws should be formulated to ensure that the payer is not deceived.
  In conclusion, the maturity of e-commerce calls for the reinforcement in the security of online payment. Only in the secure payment environment can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online payment without the concern of being treated.
  On Smartphone Addiction
  Along with the coming of information era, smartphone has crept into our daily life and occupied all our scattered time. I have heard an adapted poetry, “The furthest distance in the
world is not the distance between life and death. But when I stand in front of you, your eyes turn to your smartphone.” These lines poke fun at the group called “smartphone addicts”, who are totally addicted to the virtual world, turning a deaf ear to the world around.
  Accustomed to the convenience brought about by the mobile phone, we cannot neglect the unfavorable consequences of smartphone addiction. For one thing, excessive dependence on mobile phone not only does harm to health but also wastes a lot of time. For another, focusing on cellphone alienates our connection with our families and friends as well as weakens our communicative ability.
  As far as I'm concerned, it is high time that we threw away the phone and raised our heads up. Do cherish everything around us and have a face-to-face talk with our relatives and friends. What's more,
we should do more exercises and take part in real-life activities. Only when using the phone reasonably, can we realize the happiness of life.