doing this, the teacher will be
to ascertain the extent
you leave the office,
all lights are out. 上半年高中教师资格考试
of the following shows the proper pronunciation of "whose” in the sentence "In American, Li stayed in a family whose landlady could help him with his Engl ish” ?
A. [hus]
B. [huz]
C. [hu:s]
D. [hu:z]
terms of the place of articulation, [t][d][z][s][n]are all.
Rome, tourists may easily get because all the streets look the same.
immediately replied with an "YES" to the request that he attend the public hearing.
,modesty and opportunity are the factors for the girl' s success in
her career.
the children understand what they are reading.
which that see that to it that
competen ce awarene ss
8. she heard her grandfather was born in Germany.
was from her mum was her mum that
was from her mum that was her mum whom
ordinary conversations, participants are expected, first of all, to , otherwise, communication would break down.
the truth
language used to describe the language itself is called.
first P in the PPP teaching model stands for, which aims to get learners to perceive the form and meaning of a structure.
main objective of mechanical practice is to help learners to absorb thoroughly the of a language item.
is more fitted to the explicit presentation of grammar when the basic structure is being identified.
of the following can be regarded as a communicative language task?
activity. .
transformation. .
a teacher asks students to concentrate on such features as structure/coherence and cohesion of a text, he/she aims at delevoping students'  .
competence awareness
teachers often ask students to a passage to get the gist of it.
correct meaning of a lexical item in a given context is.
one provided in a dictionary
one which best fits the context
central or core meaning of the item
one which is assumed to be correct
writing, students may not know how to put something into proper English and thus ask their teacher for the teacher is to play the role of a/an
,such as IELTS or TOEFL, is developed on the basis of a fixed standard.
systematic textbook evaluation is NOT to examine whether a textbook all grammatical rules
authentic language
the needs of learners
help realize the objectives of a language program 请阅读Passage 1,完成第21~25小题。
Passage 1
They came to the United States as children with little idea, if any, of what it meant to overstay a enrolled in public schools, learned English, earned high school many of their classmates, they pondered college as undocumented immigrants in Maryland, they then had to confront the reality tha
t they must pay two to three times what former high school classmates pay to attend the state' s public is a rule that, for many students of modest
means, puts a college education out of reach, with one exception:Montgomery College.
That is why Josue Aguiluz, 21, born in Honduras, and Ricardo Campos, 23, born in El Salvador一and numerous others like them一landed at the community , they study and wait for a verdict from Maryland voters on a ballot measure that may determine whether they can afford to advance to a four-year college.
"I know people in Maryland believe in education, " Campos said the other day at the student center on the Rockville campus. "I know they are going to vote for Question ' m hanging on their vote. ”
Question 4 asks voters to affirm or strike down a law that the legislature passed last year, known as Maryland' s version of the a Dream Act, ” which granted certain undocumented immigrants the ability to obtain in-state tuition at public colleges and subsidy comes with them:To take advantage, students must first go to a two-year community college.
The law was pushed to a referendum after opponents mounted a lightning petition drive that showed
the depth of division over illegal immigration across the state and the say discounting tuition for students who lack permission to be in the country is an unjustified giveaway of what they believe will amount to tens of millions of tax dollars a year.
"When an undocumented student enters the system, it is a net loss of revenue, " said (R-Balt imore County). “It is a simple mathematical your emotion and your passion aside, and get out your calculator."
There is no count of the number of students statewide who would be eligible for benefits under the range from several hundred to a few thousand.
A Washington Post poll this month found that a solid majority of likely voters favored the law:59 percent support it, and 35 percent are the law is affirmed, Maryland would join about a dozen other states with laws or policies providing in-state tuition benefits to undocumented became the first