1.Tom likes the watch very much.
2.I often help with the housework.
3.When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.
4.Let’s eat hamburgers together.
5.Jim is going to see a dentist.
6. W: Hi, Tom, can you come to my birthday party on Sunday afternoon?
M: Sure, I’d love to.
毕节事业单位招聘20217. W: Hey, Sam. Can you play basketball with me today?
M: Sorry, I can’t. I have a guitar lesson.
8. W: How do you get to school, Bob?
M: I usually get to school by bike, but my sister goes to school by bus.
9. W: Hi, Tom, where are you going?
M: I’m going to the mall. I want to buy a sweater.
10. W: Mike, let’s go out to have a picnic this afternoon.
M: Sorry, I can’t.
W: Why? Today is Sunday.
M: I have to study for tomorrow’s math test.
W: Michael, could you tell me which is the best theater in town?
M: I think it’s Rock Theater. It is famous for its good sound and big screens.
W: Is it far from here?
M: Not very, about 500 meters.
W: Great. I will take a walk there and see what’s on today.
M: Helen.Can you lend your oven to me?
W: What would you like to make, Peter?
M: The Thanksgiving turkey.
W: How are you going to cook it?
M: I put it in salt water for six hours. And now I am going to cook it in the oven.
W: You’d better cook it for at least two and a half hours.
M: I see. Thank you.
I went to the science museum in Shanghai last July.I saw a great robot there.He had a hand and an eye.He could work for 24 hours a day.He didn’t need to eat, drink or sleep.He worked as a traditional Chinese doctor.He could know if people had health problems in a short amount of time.He could tell you when you should go to bed and what you should eat.I hope that I can have a robot in my home.So, I don’t need to go to the hospital any more.
1—5 CACAB  6—10 CBCBA  11—15 CAACB  16—20 BACCB
21—25 BADBC  26—30 BCABD
21.B 点拨:此题考查情态动词enough的用法,根据enough+名词,形容词+enough故选B
23.D 点拨:根据句型It’s really boring说明无法忍受。故选D
24.B点拨:此题考查there will be句型将会有故选B
25.C点拨:此题考查How soon多久以后。对in+时间段的提问。故选C
26.B点拨:此题考查最高级的用法,根据in your class判断用最高级,又根据句意大多数人13岁,托尼只有11。由此判断托尼是最小的。故选B
27.C点拨:此题考查if 引导的条件状语从句,主将从现。故选C
30.D点拨:此题考查plan to do sth. 决定做某事,故选D
31—35 ADBCD  36—40 BACAC
31.A 点拨:根据but he only has a small piece of land得知他是个农民故选B
32.D 点拨:考查物主代词辨析.A.它的 B.我们的 C.她的 D.他的.根据句意他不能为他的家人获得更多的食物。故选D
33.B 点拨:考查动词辨析.slept睡觉;left离开;stopped停止;jumped跳.根据One day Tom found a job in a town which was far away from his village. Before he__33__……可知,他在镇上到一份工作,在他离开之前,告诉他的妻子照顾好孩子。故选B
34.C点拨:考查疑问词辨析.how怎样; why为什么; when什么时候,当什么时;where哪里.根据句意:他在镇上到一份工作,在他离开之前,告诉他的妻子当他离开的时候照顾好孩子。故选C
35.D点拨:考查名词辨析.books;bags;coffee咖啡;food食物。根据 He can’t get enough crops (庄稼)for__32__family.应该买食物。故选D
36.B点拨:考查介词辨析 from;to;under;inwrite to sb.写信给某人,故选B
37.A点拨:考查名词辨析letter;box盒子;bird; book.根据句意安每个月都会收到一封丈夫的来信,故选A
38.C 点拨:考查动词辨析.wanted 想要; hoped希望;put; remembered记住.根据句意:她
41—45 CDDAC  46—50 BACDD
51—55BCDBA   56—60 BFGDE
41.C 点拨:细节理解题,根据原文,Drink eight cups of water every day每天喝8杯水.. Don't forget to eat your breakfast;不要忘记吃早饭.Go for a walk every day after meals.每餐饭后散步.Have a rest about twenty minutes when you are tired;当你累的时候休息20分钟.故选C
42.D 点拨:词义猜测题,根据原文,Stretch for five minutes after sitting for one or two hours.在坐了一个小时到两个小时后要伸展5 分钟.Stretching your arms and legs is good for your body伸展你的手臂和腿部都是对你身体好的.可知stretch意思为伸展.故选D
43.D 点拨:根据细节理解题,根据原文Have a rest about twenty minutes when you are tired 当你很累的时候休息20分钟; You may do something different to take a rest, such as, getting up and walking, sitting down to listen to music and so on.你可以做一些不同的事情来休息,比如起来走走,坐下来听音乐等等,故选D
44.A 点拨:细节理解题,根据原文 Breakfast gives you everything your body needs for the morning.早饭给你早上身体需要的所有东西,故选A
45.C 点拨:主旨大意题,根据原文Do you want to be in good health? Try to do the following things! You can become stronger.你想健康吗?试着做以下事情,你会变得更强壮,Drink eight cups of water every day每天喝8 杯水..Don't forget to eat your breakfast;不要忘记吃早饭.Go for a walk every day after meals.每餐饭后散步.Have a rest about twenty minutes when you are tired;当你累的时候休息20分钟 .可知,这些都是保持健康的