第一部分  听力(30分)
1.A    B.     C.
2.A.     B.     C.
3.A.     B.     C.
4.A.     B.     C.
5.A.     B.     C.
6.How is the weather these days?
A. It's rainy.    B. It's snowy.    C. It's sunny.
7.Why is the girl looking for a dress for her mother?
A. For Mother's Day.    B. For her mother's birthday    C. For Father's Day
8. What job does the man's sister do?
A. A teacher.    B. A policewoman.    C. A singer.
9. Why is Mary's grandma in such a good health?
A. Because she works every day.
B. Because she is not old enough.
C. Because she eats well and works every day.
10. What does the picture say?
A. Don't eat or drink here.    B. Don't smoke here.    C. Don't talk here.
11.Where did Mary go last summer vacation?
A. Shanghai.    B. Beijing.    C. Guangzhou.
12.What does Mary think of the food there?
A. Very delicious.    B. A little terrible.    C. Quite different.
13.What color of shoes does the woman want?
A. Brown.    B. White.    C. Black.
14. Why doesn't the woman like the blue shoes?
A. Because they are too big.
B. Because they are not fit for work.
C. Because they are a little expensive.
15. What size shoes does the woman want?
A Size 6.    B. Size 7.    C. Size 8.
16.Why do people in America like waiting for a table at a restaurant?
A. Because they don't care about their time.
B. Because they don't like sitting with strangers.
C. Because they may have free bread and butter(黄油)while waiting.
17. What are you usually served before you order?
A. Cold coffee.    B. Hot water.    C. Cold water.
18. What is a doggie(小狗儿)bag used for?
A. For taking food away.    B. For leaving rubbish there.    C. For leaving change there.
19. Where should you leave tips(小费)when you decide to go?
A. On the bill.    B. On the table.    C. On the plate.
20. Who gives you your change?
A. A waiter(服务员).    B. A cook.    C. A stranger
第二部分  单项选择(10分)
1. —Did you watch ________ show Chinese Poetry Conference(诗词大会)yesterday evening?
—Yes. It was really ________ great success.
A. the, a    B. the, 不填    C. a, a    D. a, 不填
2. My grandma can use WeChat(). She learns it all by ________.
A. she    B. herself    C. her    D. hers
3. —Mike, ________ play football in the street next time. It’s dangerous.
—OK, I won’t do that again, mom.
A. mustn’t    B. must    C. don’t    D. do
4. I joined the book club last month and I _________ five books already.
A. am reading    B. have read    C. will read    D. read
5. —Our Party’s 100th birthday is coming.
—Oh, great! We will have many activities to ________ celebrate it.
A. wisely    B. warmly    C. simply    D. lovely
6. _________ smart the driverless car is!
A. What a    B. How a    C. What    D. How
7. No matter how many difficulties we have, I believe all the problems can ________ in the end.
A. solve    B. be solved    C. answer    D. be answered
8. My brother Bob is ________ hard-working than me, but I am ________ than him.
A. most; funnier    B. most; funniest    C. more; fun    D. more; funnier
9. Great changes have taken place here. Everything ________ comes into my eyes is so new to me.
A. that    B. which    C. who    D. whom
10. —Sam, what do you want to have for dinner?
—________. Anything will be OK for me.
A. My pleasure    B. Good idea    C. I don’t mind    D. Beef, please
第三部分  完形填空(15分)
The famous Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, died of illness at the age of 91 in May 2021. Yuan Longping is not only a ____11____ scientist in agriculture(农业), but also a romantic(浪漫的)husband and a caring grandfather. He is known as ____12____ of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻)which pulled countless people out of ____13____.
A documentary(纪录片)____14____ some of his life stories. In the opening parts, Yuan’s three granddaughters recalled(回忆)stories ____15____ their grandfather and
said that he mostly cared about their English and math studies. The grandkids recalled that ____16____ Yuan travelled to Hong Kong with his family, he tried to ____17____ a new watch for his wife, but he didn’t, because it was too ____18____, and he fed his wife with a candy.