一、 词汇与结构(总题数:20,分数:40.00)
1.It is my first trip to Beijing, and I am going to get______out of it.
 B.the most 
 D.the more
解析本题主要考查英语习语的用法。句意:这是我第一次来北京旅行,我打算充分利用这次机会。get the most out of it是常用习语,意为“充分利用”。所以本题答案为B。
2.Last week I met a friend of mine, ______father was my English teacher when I was in the
middle school.
解析:本题主要考查定语从句。句意:上周我遇见了我的一个朋友,他的父亲是我上初中时的英语老师。whose为who的所有格,意为“某(些)人的……”,它所指代的先行词必须是人,在此修饰的是定语从句中的宾语,即a friend of mine。
3.It______every day so far this month.
 C.has rained 
解析:本题主要考查动词时态。句意:本月迄今为止,天天都在下雨。so far意为“迄今为止”,常用于现在完成时态中。结合选项可知,本题答案为C。
4.In order to escape the bees, the man______.
 A.drove for
 B.drove into
 C.drove away 
 D.drove with
解析:本题主要考查动词短语辨析。句意:为了躲避蜜蜂,这个男子开车离开了。A项drive for意为“为……开车;旨在”;B项drive into意为“打入;敲进”;C项drive away意为“离开;(把车)开走”;D项drive with意为“驱动”。所以本题答案为C。
5.______Yellow River is the second biggest river in China.
6.The shirt does not fit me very well, ______the trousers are a little shorter.
7.The actor will get______his nervousness once he is on the stage.
绪。A项get over意为“克服;恢复”;B项get through意为“通过;到达;熬过(困难期等)”;C项get off意为“下车;脱下”;D项get away意为“离开;逃脱;出发”。所以本题答案为A。
8.Let' s start early in the morning, ______?
 A.do we
 B.don't we
 C.shall we 
 D.we shall
解析:本题主要考查反义疑问句。句意:早上我们早点出发,如何?Let’s开头的祈使句,一般用shall we构成反义疑问句;Let us开头的祈使句,一般用will you构成反义疑问句。所以本题答案为C。
9.I recognized him at once, as I had seen him______.
10.You shouldn't use such bad language______the children.
 A.in front of 云南特岗报名入口
 B.in the front of
 C.at front of
& front of
解析:本题主要考查介词短语辨析。句意:你不应该在孩子面前使用这么粗俗的语言。in front of表示“在……的前面”,指的是在某物体外部的前面,即两者是分开的,其反义词是behind;in the front of表示“在……的前部”,指的是在某物体内部的前面,即两者是包含的,其反义词是at the back of。所以本题答案为A。
11.He didn' t go to the meeting______he had something important to do.
 A.because of
 C.owing to
& account of
12.When I went to see her yesterday, I heard a song by her.
& sing
解析:本题主要考查非谓语动词。句意:昨天我去看她时,听她唱了一首歌。分词常在see,hear,watch,feel,notice,observe,listen to,look at等感官动词的宾语之后作宾语补足语,当分词和逻辑主语之间是被动关系时,用过去分词。所以本题答案为C。
13.I am familiar______the city because I studied here for four years.
 D.would be
解析:本题主要考查固定短语。句意:我很熟悉这座城市,因为我在这儿学习了四年。be familiar with一般是指某人熟悉某人某物;be familiar to则是指某事或某物为某人所熟悉。所以本题答案为C。
14.He said that he______to Beijing twice.
 A.has been
 B.had been 
 D.would be
解析:本题主要考查动词时态。句意:他说他去过北京两次。have been to表示去过某处后回来了,再根据过去时said可知,本题答案为B。
15.Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature
16.______the TV tower at night, the city looks even more magnificent with all its lights on.
 A.Seeing from
 B.To be seen from
 C.To see from
 D.Seen from 
解析:本题主要考查分词短语。句意:夜晚,从电视塔上望出去,所有的灯都亮了,城市显得更辉煌。很显然,此句分词在意思上与其逻辑主语the city之间是被动关系,所以应用过去分词作时间状语,相当于when it is seen from。所以本题答案为D。
17.The smoke from that factory is______our air to dangerous degree.
18.Be careful, because that knife is very
19.When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of
解析:本题主要考查介词短语辨析。句意:当有小孩在时,必须把药瓶放在他们够不到的地方。out of reach是固定短语,意为“够不着”。所以本题答案为A。
20.I used to smoke______, but I gave it up three years ago.