1. I'm not very hungry so please don't cook ____
A on my account
B on my behalf
C for my part
D in my interest
2. This coat has a special surface that ____ moisture.
A avoids
B prohibits
英语专四报名入口C rejects
D repels
3 According to the regulation of this company, staff must ____ to a strict dress code.
A change
B adapt
C modify
D conform
4 I see no reason for us to ____ from our usual practice.
A depart
B abandon
C vacate
D displace
5. "We're so pleased to meet you at last," he said in a ____ tone of voice.
A. respectable
B. respectful
C. respective
D. respecting
6. ____ the weather, we got here quite quickly.
A Considered
B Considerate
C Considerable
D Considering
7. I can understand your ____ --- I'd be furious if she ever treated me like that.
A nuisance
D annoyance
8 . There have been ____ rumors that the managing director might take early retirement.
A insistent
B persistent
C consistent
D resistant
9. Every year I ____ my membership of the sports club.
A recover
B renew
C restore
D replace
10. The tax inspector has gained complete ____ to the company files.
A access
B entrance
C way
D path
11. The approaching deadline gave ____ to the investigation on the public relationship in modern communities.
A incidence
B impetus
C rupture
D emergence
12. He claimed that he had been ____ of his freedom and rights.
A rejected
B denied
C withheld
D deprived
13. It said in the job advertisement that they wanted ____ in at least two languages.
A proficiency
B capability
C strength
D capacity
14. I've got a bit of a ____ to make --- I've lost that book you lent me.
A confession
15. The Government has ____ that the new tax policy has been a disaster unwillingly.
A accelerated
B promoted
C acknowledged
D conceded
16. The government has said that there will be no ____ with terrorists.
A argument
B quarrel
C compromise
D decision
17. Be careful not to ____ yourself on the roses.
A scratch
B tear
C stroke
D claw
18. Official policy has changed, for reasons that remain ____.
A obscure
B profound
C absurd
D impressive
19. The recent pattern of weather ____ from the norm for this time of year.
A distracts
B diverts
C deviates
D diffuses
20. This report gives a somewhat ____ impression of what actually happened.
A desolate
B bleak
C distorted
D fertile
21. His doctor advised him not to take any____ exercise .
A temperate
22. The surrounding buildings were ____ by the heat of the explosion.
A scraped
B scoured
C scored
D scorched
23. Children from a/an ___ family background are statistically more likely to become involved in crime.
A underprivileged
B theological
C inconvenient
D dignified
24. Their lawyer was extremely ____ in preparing their case.
A fanatic
B indefinable
C diligent
D symbolic
25. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to ____ products.
A contradict
B promote
C incorporate
D enrich