1、Which of the following sentences indicates POSSIBILITY?()
A. The moon cannot always be at the full.
B. You cannot smoke inside the building.
C. He cannot come today.
D. She cannot play the piano.
【解析】A  月亮不可能总是圆的表达一种可能性。B中的cannot做情态动词用,不表可能性。C、D表能力。
2、Please pardon          you.
A. my disturbing                      B.disturbing
B. me to disturb                      D.that I disturb
【解析】A  pardon用作动词有两种搭配方法。1.pardon sb for doing sth. 2.pardon sb’s doing。所以本题选A
3、Which of the following italicized parts modifies an adverb?
A. Do it right now.            B.That was a very funny film.
B. I rather like my teacher.  C.We walked about 6 miles.
【解析】A  题目要选的是斜体部分修饰副词的那个选项,right now译为此刻,立刻,now是副词。而B选项funny是形容词。C中like是动词。D中6 miles是数字,名次。因此选A.
4、All he cousins and their children have fair hair.The underline part means    .
A. fine        B.dark          C.thick          D.light
【解析】D  fair作形容词是除了有公正的,合理的等意思,还有“浅的”意思。所以对应D选项。
5、Which of the following is a compound word.(复合词) 
A.Nonsmoker      B.Meanness      C.Deadline      D.Misfit
【解析】C.  本体要注意区分派生词和复合词的区别。派生词是指“由词根加前后缀合成的词”,例如B加的是后缀-ness,A、D加分别是前缀 non和mis。只有C选项是复合词(有两个或两个以上的独立的单词合成的新的单词),如dead+line。
6、Nobody heard him sing,    ?
A.did one    B.did he      C.didnt they    D.did they
【解析】D  当陈述句部分为不定代词作主语时,疑问部分的主语用they。所以排除A和B。当前部分为否定句是,后部分用疑问句。记住“前肯后否,前否后肯”。所以答案为D
7、I cant put up with       .
A. that friend of you        B.that friend of yours
C.the friend of you          D.the friend of yours
【解析】B    首先我们确定最后面应该填的是yours(=your friends),表示讨厌的是你朋友中的一个朋友,而不是你的一个中的朋友。所以排除A和C。the是特指,表示双方都知道的,而我们无法从题中得知双方知道与否,所以填that,选B。
8、There has been an increasing number of         in primary schools in the past few years.
A. man teacher                  B.men teacher
B. man teachers                D.men teachers
【解析】D  在名词修饰名词时,不论被修饰的名词时单数还是复数,作定语的名词一律用单数形式,但由man或woman作定语修饰名词时,其单复数形式由它后面的名词来决定。而teacher在a number of(接复数名词)后面应该为复数形式,,所以man也应该相应的改为复数形式men,故选D。
9、Members of the Parliament were poised     ahead with a bill to approve construction of the oil pipeline.
A.to move    B.moving      C.to moving      D.at moving
【解析】A  固定搭配be poised on/for sth 或be poised to do sth 译为做好做……的准备。
10、Protocol was       enabled him to make different decisions without ever looking back.
A. who          B.what        C.which          D.that
【解析】B  根据句子分析可知这是表语从句,且横线所需填的引导词在从句中应该作主语的成分。what可以引导表语从句,同时在句子中作主语,故选B。A项who引导表语从句指人;C项which在引导表语从句时,不能直接充当主语,例如:The question is which he will choose.D项that在表语从句中不充当任何成分,但不能省略,而本句中缺少主语,故排除。所以答案为B
11、She was once a young country wife with chickens in the backyard and a view of         mountains behind the apple orchard.
A.blue hazy Virginia          B.hazy blue Virginia
C.Virginia hazy blue              D.Virginia blue hazy
【解析】B  蔚蓝的弗吉尼亚州山脉应该翻译成B.当名词中心词前有多个不同层次的定语修饰时,一般遵循以下排列顺序:限定词(a/an,the,this,his,one,first……)特征或性质等描述性形容词等描述性形容词(good,pretty……)大小、长短、高低、的形容词(big,long,little……)年龄,新旧的形容词(old,young,new……)颜的形容词国籍,出处的形容词(China,eastern……)物质材料的形容词(rocky,wooden,plastic……)→用途,类别的形容词(reading,writing,medical……),所以答案应该选B。
12、The teachers union       a lawsuit against the district calling for repairing deplorable school conditions.
A.fired        B.filed        C.fined          D.filled
【解析】B  固定搭配file a lawsuit against意为“对……提起诉讼”。A项意为“开火,发射,解雇”;C项意为“”D项意为“充满,填满”。
13、Some Martian rock structures look strikingly like structures on Earth that are known         by microbes.
A. having been created                B.being created
B. to have been created                D.to be created
【解析】C    主动:know+宾语+(to)do/have done;被动:be known to(不可省略)do/to have done。所以对应选项C。
14、You must fire       incompetent assistant of yours.
A. the          B.an          C.that          D.whichever
【解析】C    incompetent assistant of yours是双重所有格结构,被该结构修饰的名词前可用不定冠词,但一般不用定冠词,如:可以说a pen of Mikes,但不可以说the pen of Mikes,所以A不选。而不定冠词a/an通常指多个助理,不合题意,不选B。D引导从句,不选。C项of短语修饰的名词前可以有指示代词this/that,表示某种感情彩。故选C。
15、If you intend to melt the snow for drinking water,you can
      extra purity by running it through a coffee filter.
A. assure        B.insure        C.reassure        D.ensure
【解析】D  A项assure sb of sth /assure sb that表示向某人保证某事发生,宾语是人或人称代词,一般不直接跟sth或that从句。D项“为……投保”C项“使安心,是消除疑虑”,D ensure sth/ensure that……/ensure sb sth,“保证,确保(谋事发生)”。