1.It rained hard yesterday, prevented me from going to the park.
A. that
B. which
C. as
D. it
→the diagram shows, the sum spent on tobacco is nearly as large as that spent on
A. As
B. Which
C. What
D. Like
2. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man he was twenty years ago.
英语专四报名入口A. which
B. that
C. who
D. whom
3. Chinese customs police wondered if there were some underground passages the cocaine had
been smuggled into China from Myanmar.
A. through which
B. in which
C. through that
D. in that
4. The temperature Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometer readings are equal is 40
A. by which
B. for which
C. to which
D. at which
5. There was a storm I had never experienced before.
A. such as
B. as which
C. with which
D. for such
6. The residents, had been damaged by the earthquake, were given help by the government.
A. all their homes
B. all whose homes
C. all of whose homes
D. all of their homes
7. The course normally attracts 30 students per year, up to half will from overseas.
A. in which
B. for whom
C. with which
D. of whom
8. Perhaps there'only one thing on which the citizens of Atlanta do agree: there's only a city will not
look the same or be the same after this summer.
A. that
B. which
C. as
D. where
9. The team can handle whatever .
A. that needs handling
B. which need handling
C. it needs handling
D. needs to be handled
10. The physician has made a discovery, of great importance to the progress of science and technology.
A. I think which is
C. which I think is
B. that I think is D. which I think it is
11. John returned with two laborers, with
help we finally get the car out of the mud.
A. their
B. whose
C. /
D. that
→ (1) Our company will move to a tall building  ____  we bought last month.
A. which
B. when
C. how
D. where
(2) Our company will move to a tall building  _____  has just been complete.
A. which
B. when
C. how
D. where
(3) Our company will move to a tall building  _____  we worked two years ago.
A. where
B. when
C. that
D. which
1. -what caused the party to be put off?
- ____  the invitation.
A. Tom delayed sending
B. Tom's delaying sending
C. Tom delaying to send D .Tom delayed send
2. I can't get my car __  on cold mornings, so I have to try  ___  the radiator with some
hot water.
A. run, to fill
B. running, filing
C. running, to fill
D. ran, filling
12. She says that she
A. which
C. how ' ll never forget the time  _______  she B. when
D. where s spent working as a secretary in our
→ She says that
she A. which
C. how ll never forget the time B. when
D. where she works as a secretary in our company.
3. Anyone  _______  bags, boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police.
A. seen carry
B. seen carrying
C. saw to carry
D. saw carrying
【分析】此题答案选  B ,anyone seen carrying bags⋯
为anyone who was seen carrying bags 之略,其中过去分词短语seen carrying bags ⋯用
作定语修饰代词anyone 。另外,句中
的who was seen carrying bags 为see sb doing sth 这一结构的被动式。
4. Now everyone here was working hard and doing what they could  ______  more mo
A. make
B. to make
C. making
D. made
【分析】此题容易误选A。有的同学一看到空格前的情态动词could 就断定此处应填动词原
形make 。其实正确答案应是B,此句为省略句,即在could 后省略了动词do ,若把句子补完整应为
Now everyone here was working hard and doing what they could do to make more mone y,即句中的不定式短语(to make more money) 是用作目的状语的,而不是与情态动词(could) 一起构成谓语。请再看类似例句:
(1) My parents did what they could  _______  my aunt and uncle.
A. help
B. to help
C. helping
D. helped
(2) He read what he could  _______  his knowledge.
A. widen
B. to widen
C. widening
D. widened
以上两题均选  B ,即选不定式,且此不定式为目的状语。但是,同学们若据此形成思维定势,也会麻烦。为此,请再看两题:
(3) He ran as fast as he could  ______ to catch the bus.
A. hope
B. to hope
C. hoping
D. hoped
此题的最佳答案不是B,而是C,其中的现在分词短语hoping to catch the bus 用作伴随状语,即一边跑一边希望能赶上早班车。但是,如果选B,将to hope to catch the bus 视为
目的状语行不行呢?不行。因为“他拼命地跑”目的是“为了赶上公共汽车”,而不是“为了希望赶上公共汽车”,换句话说,将“希望”作为“目的”不妥。因为同样的原因,下面一题也应选hoping :
He studied as hard as he could  ________  to enter a good college.
A. hope
B. to hope
C. hoping
D. hoped
(4) He spent every minute he could  ________ foreign languages.
A. study
B. to study
C. studying
D. studied
此题也应选  C ,但是,它与上题选现在分词hoping 表伴随有所不同,此题的studying 其实与其前的动词spend 有关,即套用的是“spend + 时间或金钱+ (in) doing sth ”这一句型。
5. All her time  ________  experiments, she has no time for sports.
A. devoted to do
B. devoted to doing
C. devoting to doing
D. is devoted to doing
(1) devote 意为“致力于,献身于”,主要用于devote ⋯to ⋯或be devoted to ,其中的to 是介词,不是不定式符号,故后接动词时要用动名词,不用不定式。
(2) 选  A 错误:若将do 改为doing 则可以。
(3) 选  B 正确:all her time devoted to doing experiments 为独立主格结构,用作状语。
(4) 选  C 错误:因为all her time 与devote 为被动关系,故应将devoting 改为devoted。
(5) 选  D 错误:若单独看All her time is devoted to doing experiments ,此句并没有错,但问题是逗号前后两个简单句没有必要的连接方式,所以从整体上看仍不对,假若在后一句的句首加上and或so,则可选D,或将  D 中的is 改为being 也可以。
6. “Wha tmade her struggle  _______  an artist so hard? ”“  _____ s he was a woman.
A. became, 不填
B. to become, 不填
C. become, That
D. to become, That
【分析】此题容易误选C,想当然地认为第一空应填become (不带to),是因为其前有使役动词made。其实,此题应选  D ,在What made her struggle to become an artist so hard? 一句中,what 是句子主语,made 是谓语,her struggle to become an artist 是宾语(其中的不定式to become an artist 是修饰her struggle 的定语),so hard 是宾语补足语。许多同学误选  C 是将her struggle 看作宾语,而将become an artist 看作是宾语补足语,照此分析,so hard 又是什么成分呢?第二空填That,用以引导主语从句(此that 不可省略),其后的谓语和宾语等被省略,若补充完整,即为That she was a woman made her struggle to become an artist so hard.
7. I found I could easily make myself  ________ by using sign language.
A. understood
B. understand
C. to understand
D. being understood
【分析】答案选A,但容易误选B,即硬套“mak e+ 名词或代词+ 动词原形”这一结构。但是对于该结构同
学们忽略了一点,就是该结构中的名词或代词应与其后动词有逻辑上的主谓关系,而对于上面一题,myself 与动词understand 显然不是主谓关系,而是动宾关系,或者说是被动关系,故此时的动词应用过去分词表被动。又如:
1) As a teacher, you should make yourself  ________ .
A. respect
B. respecting
C. respected
D. to respect
(2) He spoke loudly so as to make his voice  _______ .
A. hear
B. hearing
C. heard
D. to hear
(3) Do you know what made her so ________ ?
A. frighten
B. frightening
C. frightened
D. to frighten
答案均选  C ,即用过去分词表示被动意义(其中frightened 为过去分词转化来的形容词)。
8. Once your business becomes international,  _______ constantly will be part of your life.
A. you fly
B. your flight
C. flight
D. flying
【分析】最佳答案为  D 。由于空格后出现了constantly 这一副词,这就说明不能选  B 或C,因为B、C均为名词,不能受副词constantly 的修饰。A 和  D 均是可能的,因为其中有动词fly 。但若选A,you fly 是一个主谓结构,与其后的谓语will be 相冲突,所以只能选D,即动名
词flying 在此用作主语。
9. Not only should you get used  _______  under difficult conditions but you also you pay more a
ttention  _______  your work well.
A. to work, to do
B. to working, to doing
C. to work, to doing
D. to working, to do
【分析】正确答案为B,因为get used to与pay attention to 这两个结构中的to 均为介词,不是不定式符号,故后接动词时要用动名词,不能用动词原形。类似地,以下各结构中的to 也是介词,不是不定式符号,后接动词时也应用动名词,而不是动词原形:look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事be opposed to doing sth 反对做某事object to doing sth 反对做某事stick to doing sth 坚持做某事get down to doing sth 开始做某事take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事admit to doing 承认做了某事pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事devote one' t s ime to doing sth 把某人的时间用于(奉献于)做某事be equal to doing sth 等于做某事,能胜任做某事What do you say to doing sth 你认为做某事怎么样
10. “Do you have anything more  ______ , sir? ”“No .You can have a rest or do something else.
A. typing
B. to be typed
C. typed
D. to type