2019年专业英语四级真题试卷 (题后含答案及解析)
PART I    DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.
听力原文:  SLANG  We often use slang expressions when we talk because they are so vivid and colorful. However, they are usually out of place in formal writing / because of a number of drawbacks. / They go out of date quickly / and become tiresome if used too much. / And they may communicate clearly to some readers but not to others. / In general, we should avoid the use of slang in our writing.
1.    Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage, except the first sentence, will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of fifteen seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given ONE minute to check through your work once more.  Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE. The first sentence of the passage is already provided.  Now, listen to the passage.    SLANG  We often use slang expressions when we talk because they are so vivid and colorful.______  __________________________________________________________________________  __________________________________________________________________________  __________________________________________________________________________
正确答案:  SLANG  We often use slang expressions when we talk because they are so vivid and colorful. However, they are usually out of place in formal writing / because of a number of drawbacks. / They go out of date quickly / and become tiresome if used too mu
ch. / And they may communicate clearly to some readers but not to others. / In general, we should avoid the use of slang in our writing.
解析:  由标题和首句可知,短文围绕语言中的“俚语”这一主题展开。考生在听第一遍的时候不要急于动笔,要把握文章整体结构理清思路。听完第一遍可知,俚语生动活泼,使语言丰富多彩,但也有很多缺点,并不适合用于写作中。第二、三遍按照意划分,一起播放。听第二遍时要抓住句型和关键词,写出基本完整的句子,在听第三遍的时候将句子补充完整,并根据语法规则将某些无法听清的弱读词,如文章中多次出现的介词of等,添加到句子中合适的位置。听最后一遍时要边听边校对,对于单词拼写、名词的单复数、动词过去式和过去分词形式等要特别注意,消灭丢分点。  短文的第二句,也就是听写的第一句,句子比较长,虽然在第二、三遍诵读时将本句进行了拆分,但在第一遍听音时,长句子会对理解造成一定的困难,需要尽快理清句子结构。本句分为两个意,第一个意是句子的主干部分,第二个意是介词短语because of引出的原因。听写第四个意时要注意used这一过去分词形式。听写最后一个意时需要听清楚,不要漏词,否则很容易把avoid the use of slang错写为avoid to use slang。 
SECTION A    TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.
听力原文:  Revision of Essay Drafts  Good morning, everyone. In todays lecture, Im going to talk about how to revise essay drafts and give you some tips as well.  The initial revision should, of course, focus on the essay as a whole. Youd ask yourself— Do I reach my writing objective? Does my essay directly answer the question? Is my main idea clear? In order to answer these questions, what you need to do first is to revise for content. The typical rough draft may have too little and too much content, all at the same time. It will have touched the surface of some portions of the essay, without providing adequate explanation or convincing detail. At the same time, it may have discussed things that do not contribute significantly to your major points.  So, what is a good essay then? A good essay eliminates irrelevant material while including all the information neces
sary to your main point. Your reader needs sufficient evidence to accept what you are saying, so you have to make sure you have adequately developed and supported your main idea. Content that is unrelated to the main idea should be eliminated.  Then, what is the second step in revision? That is revise for organization. A well-organized essay will group similar ideas together and put them in the proper order. If you find it easy to produce an outline from your draft, this means that there is a clear logic to the flow of the content, and you can be reasonably certain that you have a well-ordered essay. Otherwise, reorder your content.  The third step you are advised to take is to revise for length. Is your essay approximately the right length? If it is substantially longer than the stated limit, you have to consider reducing the supporting material. But even if there is no stated limit, or you are allowed to write as long as you like, please adhere to a self-imposed limit and, unless addressing a topic that needs lengthy explanation, stick to it.  The steps I have mentioned so far actually refer to revision of an essay as a whole. The next step is to revise for components of the essay, including the paragraphs, sentences and individual words. You may ask, how am I going to revise paragraphs? Well, Id say a
paragraph is not arbitrarily formed. It should revolve around an idea, a theme. Let me tell you one way to revise paragraphs. Isolate a paragraph at a time and make sure it runs smoothly and is not merely a bunch of unrelated statements put together.  As for revision of sentences and words, most essay writers pile on one long sentence after another. Well, I suggest you avoid this by breaking up some of the longer sentences to provide variety. Use short sentences to make important points, and long sentences to explain complex ideas. Also try to use a variety of sentence structures to maintain reader interest. Eliminate sentences that sound awkward when read aloud.  For diction, a very important tip is to eliminate imprecise or wordy language. For example, use “although” instead of “despite the fact that”. Try to add vigor to your writing by removing clichés and use fresh and interesting descriptions. Try to write as much as possible with nouns and verbs, rather than primarily with adjectives that slow the pace and reduce impact. Similarly, write in the active, not the passive voice.  Now, let me just repeat what I have said today. Revision is important. When you revise your draft as a whole, pay attention to content, organization and length. But, dont forget to revise your essay in detail. Revision of sentences and words can also make the essay more interesting to readers.
          Revision of Essay Drafts  The initial revision should focus on the essay as a whole.  The first step:【T1】______【T1】______  - the rough draft  —containing too little or too much material  —discussing things unrelated to【T2】______【T2】______  - how to revise  —provide【T3】______to convince your readers 【T3】______  —eliminate unrelated material    The second step: revise for organization  - group similar ideas in the proper order  - produce an outline from the draft to check【T4】______【T4】______  The third step: revise for length  - mind the stated length  - stick to【T5】______【T5】______  Revise for【T6】______of the essay 【T6】______  -【T7】______by breaking up some longer sentences 【T7】______  - use short sentences to make important points  - use long sentences to【T8】______【T8】______  - eliminate【T9】______expressions 【T9】______  - use fresh and interesting descriptions  - write with【T10】______as much as possible 【T10】______  - write in the active voice