There are twenty sentences in this sect ion. Ben eath each sentence there are four opti ons marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence or an swers the questi on. Mark hour an swers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.
11. The Bent Pyramid outside Cairo pyramid.
ancient Egypt 'first attempt to build a smooth-sided
A. has bee n believed to have bee n
B. was believed to be
C. is believed to have bee n
D. is believed to be
12. U.S. News __________ rankings of colleges si nee 1983. They are a very popular resource for stu
de nts look ing to apply to uni versity campus.
A. mai ntai ns
B. is mai ntai ning
C. mai ntai ned
D. has bee n maintaining
13. He was lured into a crime he would not ___________ have committed.
A. actually
B. accide ntally
C. otherwise
D. seldom
14. She was once a young country wife with chicke ns in the backyard and a view of ____________  mountains beh ind the apple orchard.
A. blue hazy Virgi nia
B. hazy blue Virgi nia
C. Virgi nia hazy blue
D. Virgi nia blue hazy
15. I long to alleviate ________ , but I cannot.
A. the evil
B. evil
C. evils
D. an evil
16. In deed, it is arguable that body shatteri ng is the very point of football, as killi ng and maiming
A. war
B. are war
C. of war
D. are of war
17. At ___________ , photography is a chemical process, duri ng which a light-se nsitive material is altered whe n exposed to light.
A. its most basic
B. its basic
C. the most basic
D. the basic
18. She hired a lawyer to investigate, only to learn that Gabriel had removed her name from the deed. The infin itive verb phrase 6nly to lear n "is used ___________ .
A. to express an inten ded purpose
B. to in dicate a high degree of possibility
C. to reveal an un desirable con seque nee
D. to dramatize a stated fact
19. Which of the following italicized words DOES NOT carry the metaphorical meaning?
A. I wonder what ' behind this change of plan.
B. Jim tur ned to speak to the pers on sta nding behi nd him.
C. This work should have been finished yesterday. I 'm getting terribly behind.
D. I suppose I'm lucky because my pare nts were behi nd me all the way.
20. My mother was determined to help those in need and she would have been immensely proud of what has bee n achieved these last 20 years. The italicized part in the sentence expresses ______ .
A. a hypothesis
B. a suggesti on
C. a con tradict ion
D. a surprise
21. When the police officers who took part in the King beati ng were first brought to _________ , their lawyers used the videotape as evide nee aga inst the prosecuti on.
A. justice