2018 英语专业四级考试真题及参考答案
There    are  twenty    sentences    in this    section.    Beneath    each    sentence    there    are  four
options    marked    A,  B,  C  and  D.    Choose    the    one    that  best    completes    the  sentence    or英语专四报名入口
answers the question. Mark hour answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.
11.The Bent Pyramid outside Cairo __________ ancient Egypt s first attempt to build a smooth-sided pyramid.
A. has been believed to have been B. was believed to be
C. is believed to have been D. is believed to be
12.U.S. News ____________ rankings of colleges since 1983. They are a very popular resource for students looking to apply to university campus.
A. maintains
B. is maintaining C. maintained
D. has been maintaining
13.He was lured into a crime he would not ____________have committed.

14.She  was  once  a  young  country  wife  with  chickens  in  the  backyard  and  a  view  of
_____________ mountains behind the apple orchard. A. blue hazy Virginia
B. hazy blue Virginia C. Virginia hazy blue D. Virginia blue hazy
15.I long to alleviate __________, but I cannot.
D.an evil
16.Indeed, it is arguable that body shattering is the very point of football, as killing and maiming ______________.
A. war
B. are war C. of war D. are of war
17.At ____________, photography is a chemical process, during which a light-sensitive material is altered when exposed to light.
A. its most basic B. its basic

C. the most basic
D. the basic
18. She hired a lawyer to investigate, only to learn that Gabriel had removed her name from
the deed. The infinitive verb phrase    only to learnis used __________.
A. to express an intended purpose
B. to indicate a high degree of possibility
C. to reveal an undesirable consequence
D. to dramatize a stated fact
19.Which of the following italicized words DOES NOT carry the metaphorical meaning? A. I wonder what s behind this change of plan.
B. Jim turned to speak to the person standing    behind him.
C. This work should have been finished yesterday. I    m getting terribly    behind .
D. I suppose I    m lucky because my parents were    behind me all the way.
20. My mother was determined to help those in need and she
would have been  immensely
proud  of what  has  been  achieved  these  last  20  years.
The  italicized  part  in the sentence
expresses _______.
A. a hypothesis
B. a suggestion
C. a contradiction
D. a surprise

21.    When    the    police    officers    who    took    part    in    the    King    beating    were    first    brought    to