I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the question you have heard.
1.  A. Fresh.    B. Salty.    C. Tender.    D. Dry.
德州招聘信息最近招聘信息2.  A luxurious tie.    B. A set of classic works.
C. A red scarf.
D. A wallet.
3.  A. In a barbershop.    B. In the cinema.
C. In the mall.
D. In the library.
4.  A. The boy stayed up all night.    B. The boy came home too early.
C. The boy is forgiven.
两会的核心内容D. The boy didn't go home at night.
5.  A. She will accompany the man who asks questions.
B. She also doesn't know the meaning of the term.
C. She sympathized with the man very much.
D. She is well aware of the meaning of the newly coined term.
6.  A. She needs to hurry.    B. The alarm clock didn't ring.
C. She broke the alarm clock.
D. She is late for school.
7.  A. $ 10,000.    B. ¥11,000.    C. ¥12,000.    D. $ 11,000
8.  A. He couldn't offer help because of his foot injury.
B. He can't stand the noise of these boxes moving.
C. He can't stand the woman carrying these boxes.
D. He doesn't want to carry the box down from the fifth floor.
9.  A. He is just an ordinary man, not a hero.
B. He wants the woman to publicize his deeds.
C. He has already finished financial aid for students.
住房和城乡建设部政策研究中心D. He wants the woman to keep it a secret.
10.  A. The woman likes to take a shower before going to bed.
B. The man can't have a shower before going to bed.
C. Hot water is supplied in the hotel until 10 p. m. in winter.
D. The hotel still supplies hot water after 10 p. m.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
11.  A. Have a professional energy checkup
B. Update all the household appliances
C. Make a do-it-yourself home energy checkup.
D. Find the leaks on the outside of your home
12.  A. Because it can help you save energy in a house.
B. Because it can help you decide where should be upgraded first.
C. Because it can help you remember where you have inspected.
D. Because it can help you reduce the air leaks.
13.  A. How to choose a professional energy checkup.
B. How to conduct the home energy checkup.
C. How to make a list of obvious air leaks.
D. How to save energy in your home.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
14.  A. To make people remember him.
B. To show his excellent talent.
C. To remember the moments in university.
D. To recall his childhood.
15.  A. It used some advanced narrative skills.
B. It is easy to understand the deep meaning.
C. It has a kind of bell ringing quality.
D. It is suitable to recite aloud with expression.
16.  A. He likes to compose poems at quiet corners.所有大学的录取分数线
B. He graduated from Harvard University in 1995.
C. He wrote only two poems in his life.
D. He had a good time at Harvard.
Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
17.  A. His office is richly decorated.
B. He has used this office for a week.
C. His office is very modern.
D. His office space is spacious enough.
18.  A. To record his trip next week.
B. To communicate with overseas scholars.
榆林人才市人才信息网C. To collect cost-effective web cameras.
D. To record the contents of the report file.
19.  A. A chair that rises up and down and has arms.
B. A modern simple chair.
C. A folded chair without a handle.
D. A second-hand solid wood chair.
20.  A. How to choose a web camera.
B. How to prepare for an online meeting report.
C. How to improve Professor White's office.
D. How to decorate Professor White's Office.
Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Why Being in a Band Is Cool
When you were younger, a piano lesson may have ruined your day. Carrying a flute(长笛)from class to class just for a half-hour lesson (21) __________ have seemed pointless. But as you enter the adult world suddenly you realise that knowing how to play an instrument is pretty cool. Yes, even the flute.
So, what makes being in a band so cool? Is it because you get to go on stage and play to millions of adoring fans? Well, yes, but it’ll be a few years before your dodgy rendition of ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ starts to resemble a Mozart symphony.
(22) __________ talented you’ve been in music it’s still not easy to organise a band, but here’s a quick guide to get you started:
(1) Find your members.
You’ll need a drummer, a guitarist, a bass guitarist and a singer. Any other instruments are a bonus. This is where (23) __________(play) the flute comes in, if you can make playing the flute cool, you deserve all the fame and fortune in the world!
(2) Organise a band practice.
If you are lucky enough to have a band member (24) __________ a drum kit and parents who are hard of hearing, you can practise at home for free. Otherwise, you’ll need to find a local studio (25) __________ can be expensive. (26) __________(divide) the cost equally, including the cost of hiring any equipment such as cymbals for the drummer, you rock together, you roll together!
(3) Be productive.
If you’re paying for a studio, the last thing you want is to spend it catching up with each other, so meet half an hour in advance to get all the chatting (27) __________(finish).
(4) Agree on songs to learn, and learn them.
Each band member should choose a song for the whole band (28) __________(learn) ready for rehearsal. This will allow you to see (29) __________ genres(类型) work for your group.
(5) Start writing.
Once you know what music works for you, start writing! You can do this individually or as a band but the most important thing is to respect other people’s songs. It’s very rare to find (30) __________ who isn’t shy about sharing their first few pieces of writing, so be nice!
If that sounds like a lot of hard work, then you’re right! If it also sounds like a lot of fun, get started!
But what is it that makes all that hard work worth it?
Being in a band teaches you precious life lessons. It is a fun way of learning about how to share opinions respectfully, be creative, become more confident and work as a team. Once you can do that you’ll be well on your way to finding what it is about you that makes you unique, special and cool!
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
The nature is part of us. Therefore, it holds a mysterious (31) __________ for me. In my memory, the valley was quiet and calm, only to see the wheat all over the mountains waving together in rhythm when the wind blew through, like a ballet troupe. The sun rose every morning as usual, sweeping across the valley and ultimately falling behind the peaks. The snow that falls in winter always melts in spring, bringing new hope to this nature where everything was pleasant and beautiful.
Led by fate, I have become an environmentalist and had the honor of being invited to address studen
ts about my green lifestyle for a long time. The students were surprised at my lifestyle and maybe they thought my lifestyle was no longer suitable for modern life. Fortunately, they were still listened to whole lecture, saluting or (32) __________ me --- to some extent the applause implied their encouragement to me. As I began to interact with them under the stage, I was (33) __________ by kids’ lack of knowledge of nature so that the y had little knowledge of protecting environment.
After the address, I put up a stand in the (34) __________ offering green food, hoping them interested in it to get to the (35) __________ experiencing a first-hand feeling of the green lifestyle no one shows any interest in. So I decided to team up with the concert (36) __________ to run a campaign:“anyone who can answer a(n) (37) __________ environmental question is qualified to attend the concert. Soon the music can (38) __________ them coming here.”
Since then, I have been considering why kids today do not have the same deep appreciation for nature that I do. One of the significant factors may be that the former rural civilization has been replaced by the urban civilization. In the past, the poor played the (39) __________ role in the nature, so they cleared the wasteland, planted crops and reproduced civilization. With the massive invasion of industrialization and urbanization, people were forced to move away from nature. The struggle between tradition and modernity, the confrontation between humans and nature has led peo
ple to believe that they are the masters of the universe. Is this really the case? It is time to think about who (40) __________ us to destroy nature.
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
The misery of my bike commute in Calgary, Alberta, is the river valley hill. It’s n ot particularly steep, but at about a mile long, I rarely climbed up without arriving with sweat. Studies have shown the prospect of arriving at work sweaty is one of the biggest (41)___________ to getting would-be bike commuters out of their cars. That's especially true in a city like Los Angeles, where (42) ___________ may face long routes, hills or hot streets with a lack of shade.
“Pedelec”, or pedal electric-assisted bikes like the one I rode, can end that worry. They look and act like traditional bicycles, but their motors make pedaling much easier when required. Sometimes called the most energy-efficient motorized mode of transportation ever built, they're also incredibly gr
een. The biggest barrier may be the outdated attitude that sees bikes only as a recreational athletic opportunity rather than a practical (43) ___________ option.
At a time when cities across North America are struggling to combat crippling traffic and reduce climate emissions, e-bikes have the (44) ___________ to ease both problems. And yet ridership has yet to truly (45) __________. About 152,000 e-bikes were sold last year in the U. S. , a figure that would be more than 5 million if Americans used them at the same rate as western Europeans.
Many of the barriers to e-bike (46 ) _________in North America are legislative. Patchwork rules treat e-bikes more like mopeds than traditional pedal bikes in some jurisdictions, meaning they are (47) ___________from bike lanes and from boarding public transportation.
Few places on the continent, (48) ___________ , are better poised to break through these barriers than California. Legislation was approved last year to encourage e-bike use, by legally differentiating the cycles from mopeds. In an attempt to head off worries about turbocharged machines flying down sidewalks and bike lanes at unsafe speeds, the law classifies bikes into different tiers to (49) ________lower-speed e-bikes, which top out at 20 mph, from faster- moving “ speed pedelecs”, which are restricted from protected bike paths.
Amid these legislative (50) ___________ , e-bikes have become more accessible to consumer. Finding them in bike shops isn’t as (51 ) ________as it once was, and their cost has fallen as the price of lithium-ion batteries has dropped. Today, a decent e-bike, while still (52) ___________, is comparable in price to a high-end mountain bike.
After years of (53 ) ___________over mixing pedal and motor power, cycling advocacy organizations also are finally throwing their support behind e-bikes. Dave Snyder, the executive director of the California Bicycle Coalition, (54) ___________ t he state’s new legislation based partly on the (55) ___________ that e-bikes help out those who “just can't ride as far or as fast as they need to”.
41. A. advantages    B. processes    C. barriers    D. complements
42. A. riders    B. builders    C. customers    D. volunteers
43. A. production B, communication    C. facilities    D. transportation
44. A. routine B, potential    C. temporary    D. major
45. A. make of    B. carry on    C. bring up    D. take off
46. A. adaptation    B. adoption    C. adjustment    D. justification
47. A. proved    B. alerted    C. banned    D. authorized
48. A. however    B. unless    C. meanwhile    D. anyway
49. A. originate    B. combine    C. separate    D. satisfy
50. A. factors    B. benefits    C. limits    D. damages
51. A. proper    B. critical    C. sensational    D. difficult
52. A. expensive    B. distinctive    C. sensitive    D. intensive
53. A. trouble    B. concern    C. power    D. scale
54. A. favored    B. folded    C. referred    D. gifted
55. A. appeal    B. address    C. amount    D. advocate
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfi
nished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.