  1. Describe the employee you most enjoy working with. 你最喜欢和什么样的同事一起合作?
  问题分析: 在这个问题上, 面试官希望了解的是: 第一, 这份工作是否会令你开心; 第二, 你所欣赏的人往往就是你的影子(心理学家如是说), 比如说, 如果你说自己欣赏爽直的人, 往往你就是这样一个人!
  回答示范1: I enjoy working with straightforward people, partly because I am a straightforward person myself. I hope my colleagues will offer their honest suggestions and even criticisms to me. Frankly speaking, I am not very comfortable with those people who are too sensitive and always hesitate to express themselves.
  点评1: 突出了自己的直爽的性格, 很好。
  回答示范2: I enjoy working with positive-minded people who don’t complain too much. I find it uncomfortable to work with those who always complain. In my opinion, we either need to make improvements or accept the facts. Complaining is a total waste of time.
  点评2: 这是一个令人喜欢的回答, 因为任何一个公司里都有大量的“怨男怨女”, 令人反感却无可奈何。如果能多招聘几个“阳光男女”进公司, 岂不美哉。
  回答示范3: I enjoy working with those who are action makers. I don’t like to work with big talkers or those who are very slow to react. I am a quick person myself, so I prefer to work with the people of the same kind.
  点评3: 大家都喜欢风风火火的人, 只要不忙中出错就好。特岗教师2023年是最后一年吗
  回答示范4: Well, I like to work with those who are good at planning because they can always make a strong team with me. I am a detail person, and I need to work with big picture planners to achieve the best results.
  点评4: 善于利用别人的长处弥补自己的不足, 不错。
  2. What were some of the disappointments in your last job? 在上一份工作中, 你比较失望的地方或者失败是什么?
  问题分析: 这个问题相当棘手。太真实可能会吓坏面试官, 太虚伪又没法令人相信。比较好的应对方式是, 给对方列举一些非致命的失败, 同时, 这些失败是由于自己所订立的目标比较高。
  普通回答: Disappointments? There were some. I couldn’t get an A in the annual evaluation. I got B, which was not bad, but certainly not good enough.
  点评: 这个回答太圆滑, 明显在利用“失败”夸自己向来高标准严要求。面试官最不喜欢这种自作聪明的人。
  回答示范: I failed to achieve the sales target last year, I sold a million and a half but the target was two million. Our Beijing headquarters is having some problems and can’t provide effective pre-sales support for us. Failing to reach the target is a big disappointment for me.
2022年12月份英语四级答案  点评: 一个很好的回答, 体现出了一个销售人员对完成任务的强烈的渴望, 同时也顺便带出了自己完不成任务的客观理由。
  1. Why do you want to leave your job? 你为什么要离职?
  回答示范1: To be honest, the reason I quit is that I am not pleased by my current job. My current work is in a vocational high school. Maybe I have to explain a bit more here. In China, vocational high schools are designed for the less-advanced students or the ones wanting work instead of going to university to further their education. As a result, the social status and the pay in vocational high schools are not at all satisfactory. I can never become a professor in this school. So, although teaching makes me happy, I have to leave this job because I can’t have long-term career development here.
  点评1: 相当一部分申请人辞职的原因都是为了“长远的职业发展”, 因为在目前的工作中“看不到前途和未来”或者“缺乏挑战和创新”。这些其实都是合理的理由, 但是, 务必要
把看不到前途和未来的原因解释清楚, 要让面试官知道, 没有前途不是你个人能力缺乏所致, 而确实是客观因素使然。此外, 在涉及中国特殊现象的时候, 比如职业高中教育, 比如中等专科学校教育等等, 要把具体的情况解释清楚, 否则, 老外绝对不会了解中专教师为什么不像大学教师那么爽。
  回答示范2: Mainly for the higher pay. I have been serving as an accountant for this joint venture for nearly 3 years and my salary increased from 1,800 to 2,300, a fair raise actually. In the last two performance evaluations, I got two Bs in a row. I can earn 3,000 only by becoming a director, which is almost impossible because the current one is stable and performs well; he is not likely to leave. But of course, I am not working only for money. Changing jobs is asking for trouble. I am doing so for my career. This position is similar to my current one, and the company is a quite large, suitable one for long-term development. So, here I am.
  点评2: 一个中肯的`回答, 既诚实地告诉面试官自己似乎为钱而跳槽, 也告诉了他自己在原岗位上没有拿到更高的薪水并非是工作表现不好, 而是受到了公司规章制度的限制。同时, 也强调了自己已经在原单位效忠3年的良好记录。不错!
  回答示范3: The former company hasn’t done well in the past 2 years, they have to make some redundancy and our department is lucky enough to be one of them. What a pity.
  点评3: 公司裁员很少发生, 不过如果事实如此, 你需要解释出自己被裁减的原因是因为整个部门被关闭, 而不是你个人表现欠佳而被裁减。同时, 展示了一下自己的幽默, 很好。
  回答示范4: Frankly speaking, I want to leave the job simply because I’m attracted by the position you offer. Compared with my current employer, Global Market is so much more renowned, offering a secure job and a long-term development. My current employer now offers an okay salary, but the career opportunities here are very limited because the size of business is relatively small. I think you can understand my choice.
  点评4: 很真实, 90%的人都是为了“更好的发展”而离职, 不妨实话实说也罢。公务员是怎么考的