Unit4 听力
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1. How does the boy learn about the world?
A.     B.     C.
2. Which book is mentioned in their conversation?
A.     B.     C.
3. What is close to Jim’s house?
A.     B.     C.
4. What programme would the boy like to see?
A.     B.     C.
5. How long did World War Ⅱ last?
A. 5 years.     B. 6 years.     C. 7 years.
6. What is on Lucy’s mind?
A. Learning about the world.
B. Growing up.
C. The national championship.
7. What’s Millie’s problem?
A. Spelling.     B. Writing.     C. Pronunciation.
8. Which book did the boy read?
A. The Diary of a Young Girl.
B. I Am David.
C. A Small Free Kiss in the Dark.
9. What will the boy do?
A. He will be an actor for the charity show.
B. He will raise much money for the charity show.
C. He will be an organizer for the charity show.
10. What is the boy doing?
A. Giving the girl advice.
B. Teaching the girl to play basketball.
C. Watching a game with the girl.
听一段对话,回答第11、12 小题。
11. Why does David learn about nature from books?
A. Because books allow him to learn about views in different times and places.
B. Because he can read them whenever he wants to.
C. Because it’s quick and easy.
12. How does Mary learn about nature?
A. By email.    
B. Through the Internet.     英语四六级成绩查询2022年
C. By travelling.
Lily’s problem
The weak point
What the teacher says to her
Don’t pay attention to _________14.
How Lily feels now
13. A. Science     B. P.E.     C. English
14. A. those who laugh at her
B. her Maths problems
C. how to swim faster
15. A. Much happier 税务局怎么考进去?    B. Much sadder     C. Much more tired
16. How did Bob feel by himself at home?
A. He was afraid of being home alone.
B. He had fun at home.
C. He felt very tired.
17. What did Bob do when he waited for his parents?
A. He played the drums. 证券从业资格证考试要求   
B. He watched TV.    
C. He fell asleep.
18. Who might the person who wanted to come into the room be?
A. A friend.     B. A neighbour.     C. A thief.
19. What did Bob do to make the man run away?
A. He turned up the TV.
B. He called the police.
C. He beat his drums (鼓).
20. Bob wasn’t clever, was he?
A. No, he wasn’t.     B. No, he was.     C. Yes, he was.
Unit4 听力材料及答案
1. M: I like to learn about the world from the Internet because it allows me to learn about people in different times and places whenever I want to.
W: Yes. It’s easy and fast.
2. W: Do you know something about Anne?
M: Yes. She and her elder sister died of illness, and her father collected her diary and had it published after her death.
3. W: Why do you want to move, Jim?
M: I’m tired of hearing machines running in the factory near my house at all hours.
4. W: Why do you switch to Channel 5?
M: There is a football match I want to see. My favourite player is in one of the teams.
5. W: Do you know how long World War Ⅱ lasted?
M: Yes. It broke out in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945.
6. M: What is on your mind, Lucy?
W: I think growing up is hard. We must work hard at our studies.
7. M: I often have a lot of problems with pronunciation of English words. What about you, Millie?
W: Well, I have many problems with spelling. I can’t spell the words correctly.
8. W: I’ve just finished reading the book The Diary of a Young Girl. Have you read any other stories about children in the war?
M: Yes. I’ve just finished the book I Am David.
9. W: Why are you so worried?
M: Because I don’t know how to organize the charity show.
10. W: My coach says that I’m too short and that I’m not suitable for playing basketball.
M: If you try your best, size just doesn’t matter.
二、听一段对话,回答第11、12 小题。
W: Hello, David. How do you learn about nature?
M: I like to learn about it from books.
W: Why do you like to learn it that way?初级会计什么时候报名2023
M: Books allow me to learn about views in different times and places. What about you?
W: I like to learn about nature through the Internet.
M: 2022年贵州公务员招聘信息Yes, it’s quick and easy. Can I use your computer?
W: Yes, of course. Let’s go.
M: It’s very kind of you, Mary.
Lily is one of the top students in her class at Sunshine Secondary School. Her favourite subjects are English, Maths and Science.
Although Lily does well in exams, she has some problems. She is not good at sports. She cannot run fast and hates swimming. Her classmates call her a bookworm. She feels very sad.