Unit4 Where’s my schoolbag?
基层工作经验证明时间:100分钟 满分:100分  姓名        西安事业单位招聘2022  分数
1.We have two new students in our class.Their _____ are Tom and Peter.
A.name      B.names            C.student            D.students
2.___________! They are over there.
A.See          B.Look            C.Look at            D.Look after
3.This is a ___________.
A.map of Beijing                B.Beijing map
C.map Beijing                    D.map in Beijing 
4.A:Are these baseballs? B:___________.
A.Yes,they're                  B.No,they are
C.Yes,they are                  D.Yes,they aren't
5.They are ___________ good friends.Please look after ___________.
A.I;their                      B.my;them
C.me;they                    D.I;she 
6.This is a picture ___________ our family.
A.of              B.on                  C.in                D.at
7.—___________ do you spell soccer? —S-O-C-C-E-R.
A.What      B.How                C.Can              D.Are
8.___________ is the name of the little girl over there?
A.How          B.Who            C.What              D.Where
9.___________ book is ___________ the floor.
A.An;on        B.A;under            C.The;under          D.The;on
10.—___________ are your friends? —They are ___________ the classroom.
A.Where;on      B.How;in        C.Where;in          D.Who;in
11.___________ is seven and six?
A.What        B.Where            C.How                D.It
12.This is ___________friend.
A.Lucy and Lily                        B.Jim and Tom
C.Jim and Tom's                      D.Lucy's and Lily's
13.Dad,this is my friend,Lily.Lily,___________ my father.
A.that is          B.he is            C.it is                D.this is
14.A:Look at the picture of my family.B:Oh,it's nice.Who's that? A:______ my brother.
A.Its          B.It's            C.This              D.That
15.A:Where's my pencil-box,can you see it?  B:___________,I can't.
A.Not              B.Yes            C.Sorry              D.Thank you
      Look at this picture. It is __16__nice classroom. In the picture, you can see a teacher's 17__on his desk. It's a Chinese book. Eight desks and eight chairs in the room.
You can see a girl and__18__ boys.
    The girl's __ 19 __is Julia. She is eleven. The boy __20__a black hat is Tom. The other boy is Tony. They __21 __the same coats and they are the same age. I 22   they are twins. Tom is a__23__ boy. A book is in his hand. You __24__ see the teacher.25   is the teacher? He is taking the photo
16. A. an                  B. a            C. the            D. one
17. A. backpack            B. baseball        C. book          D. hat
18. A. one                B. three          C. four          D. two
19. A. name              B. age            C. brother        D. notebook
20. A. at                  B. on            C. in            D. under
21. A. is                  B. wear (穿)      C. look          D. am
22. A. think              B. see            C. bring          D. meet
23. A. dear                B. first            C. lost          D. good
24. A. is not              B. can't          C. be not        D. doesn't
25. A. What              B. How          C. Where        D. That
Look at this picture (图画)! It's a picture of a room. What can you see in the room? I can see an orange on the table. Can you see an English book on the table? No, I can't. Where is it? It's on the backpack! The backpack is on the chair next to (紧挨着) the bed. What is next to the table? Oh it's a bookcase. There are (有) some books in it. Look! What's that under the chair? It's a cat (猫). A ball is beside the cat. What ball is it? Is it a soccer (足球)? Sorry, I don't know.
26. Where's the English book?
A. It's on the table.        B. It's on the bed.
C. It's on the backpack.    D. It's in the bookcase.
27.           is next to the table.
A. A bookcase    B. A chair    C. A bed    D. An orange
28. Where can you see the ball?
2022年初会报名入口A. Under the table.        B. Under the bed.
C. Beside the soccer.        D. Beside the cat.
29. Where is the cat?
A. It's next to the bed.    B. It's under the chair.
C. It's on the soccer.        D. It's on the bed.
30. You can't see           in this room.
A. a book        B. a chair    C. a drawer    D. a backpack
This is a picture of classroom.The classroom is big and clean.You can see a teacher’s desk,six desks and seven chairs. You can see a girl and a boy ,too.
Four books are on the teacher’s desk. A pencil case is on the desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil case .A school bag is under a chair. A ball is on the floor.
The girl is Mary, She is 11.The boy is Jack. He is 12.They are is Class Two. They are friends. The teacher is Miss Smith.She is not here.
31.It’s a picture of     .
A.boys and girls    B.desks and chairs        C.a classroom      D.a bedroom