Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?
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(    )1.I think  the famous soccer player, will be       new star in the world.
A.hot    B.hotter    C.hottest    D.the hottest
(    )2.The population of China is       than that of Australia.
A.smaller    B.larger    C.less    D.large
(    )3.Mr. Black or Mr. Smith can take this job , but I am interested in who is     .
A.the most careful    B.more careful
C.most carefully    D.more carefully
(    )4.Pricesmart is the    supermarket. It has really the best service.
A.bad    B.good    C.worst    D.best
(    )5.FM 97.4 is the best     . It plays popular music every day.
A.fast food restaurant    B.clothing store
C.radio station    D.云南人才市场唯一music store
(    )6.He got up ________ than she did.
A.early    B.earlier    C.late    D.last
(    )7.Children have got       things than they had before.
A.more    B.many    C.much    D.most
(    )8.I like the Big Screen Complex because it has ________ screen.
A.bigger    B.the worst    C.the biggest    D.worst
(    )9.It’s much    today than yesterday.
A.hot    B.hottest    C.the hottest    D.hotter
(    )10.This shirt is     cheaper than that one.
A.many    B.a little    C.little    D.Most
My name is Peter.I live in a small village.In my village,there aren't many cars or buses,and the streets are clean.I  1all the neighbors and at the end of the day,we get together and talk.We go to bed  12 ,because there isn't much to do in the evening.There aren't any theaters,cinemas,museums or clubs.But the children can play in the streets
or in nature(大自然).They can  13 keep animals at home.There is no noise(噪音).We can hear a lot of beautiful sounds from nature  1the singing of birds and the pouring(倾盆而下) of rain.In the evening,we can see lots of clear and beautiful  1in the sky.My penfriend Ken lives in a big city.He says there are more workplaces,better schools, 1shops,finer restaurants and hundreds of cinemas and museums in the city.Children can go to clubs and parks to  17 themselves.I went to the city to visit Ken last month.He took me to the biggest shopping center and we bought some nice gifts for my  18 ,for example,a cool T-shirt for my dad.Which is better,the city or the village?” many of my classmates asked me when I came back.I'm not sure, 1I know that I like the clean streets,friendly neighbors and fresh air in my  2better.
(    )11.A.ask            B.thank        C.know            D.teach
(    )12.A.early            B.late            C.fast            D.slowly
教资考试时间每年的几月份(    )13.A.still            B.ever             C.almost        D.also
(    )14.A.like            B.with          C.about            D.Around
(    )15.A.kites            B.stars            C新闻最近新闻10条.planes            D.birds
(    )16.A.smaller        B.nicer             C.fewer            D.quieter
(    )17.A.help            B.find            C.enjoy            D.save
(    )18.A.schoolmates    B.friends         C.classmates        D.Family
(    )1江苏省名师空中课堂9.A.and            B.so            C.but            云南省事业单位招聘公告2021年D.as
(    )20.A.town            B.village        C.city            D.Country
Can you sing or dance? Can you ride a unicycle(独轮车)? Do magic tricks? Drink a glass of milk in ten seconds? Recite poems from memory? Well, you’ve got talent, my friend! And what better time to show it off than at the school talent show!
Middle school talent shows in the US happen every year. Whatever you’ re good at, you have five minutes to show the world. It’s early in the school year and kids can become little celebrities(明星). The shy boy who spends his evenings practicing Spanish guitar will surprise his classmates with beautiful music. The sporty girl on the soccer team will wow(使惊叹)the crowd with her sweet singing voice. Everyone has a chance to shine.
Almost anyone can do almost anything in a talent show. As long as your act isn’t rude or illegal(不合法的), it’s a “go”.
On the day of the show, all the students sit in the school gym, ready to cheer for the skills(技能)of their classmates.
Many of today’s stars started their careers(事业)in school talent shows—Madonna, Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake all showed their skills early in life. Though you’re not Justin Bieber, you can become a star in your own right at your middle school talent show.
(    )21.Which of the following is TRUE about the school talent show in the US?
A.It happens at the beginning of every term.    B.A student has five minutes on stage.
C.Shy boys and quiet girls don’t like it.    D.There are many competitions.
(    )22.What does the underlined word “it” in the first paragraph refer to?
A.Talent.      B.Magic.    C.Memory.      D.Skill.
(    )23.You can’t take part in the talent show if __________.
A.you are a new student    B.you can’t play the guitar very well
C.your act is against the law    D.you don’t have a funny act
(    )24.From the last paragraph, we know that _________.
A.many of today’s stars also took part in school talent shows
B.not everyone can take part in the talent show
C.you can’t be as famous as Justin Bieber
D.the talent show is the first step for all stars
(    )25.What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.American students’ talent.    B.Students’ surprising changes.
C.Stars’ early careers.    D.American middle school talent shows.
Last weekend,I went on a trip to Sete,a small seaside town in the south of France(法国).I went with a French friend and I stayed with her family.The sky was blue and the sun was shining.When I was there,my friend took me to the cinema.I love going to the cinema at home in England,but I had been in France for three months and I went to the cinema for the first time.I was worried because I was afraid that I couldn't understand(理解) the film.It was a very small cinema with just three small rooms.It looked nothing like the cinema in my hometown.We chose to watch a Disney movie because the story was easy to follow.I was surprised to find that I understood almost everything.