第一节:听小对话,从ABC三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答下列问题l.What are the speakers doing?
苏州公务员准考证打印入口A.Playing soccer.
B.Playing computer games.
C.Watching TV.
2.Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.At a library.
B.On a train.
C.ln a park.
3.How does the man feel about the concert?
CJust so so.
4.Why does Mom ask Peter to clean up the house?
镇江考工网A.Mom is tired.
B.Grandmother is coming.河北定向选调生是个大坑
C.lt is too dirty.
5.What's the problem with Henry's English homework?
A.Terrible handwriting.
B.Grammar mistakes.
C.Spelling mistakes.
©People create avatars that did not look or act like themselves.
②People use one avatar all the time.
©People use avatars to show their own personality.
©People create avatars that are similar to them.
.What's the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.Some problems caused by avatars.
B.Different views about avatars.
C.The biggest risk of avatars.
D.The possible future of avatars.
44.The overall tone (整体基调)of this reading isA.personal and scientificB.informative but silly
C.impersonal and informativeD.sad and scientific四、词汇运用(共15小题,每题1分,共计15分)
plan suggest proud heavy low.When these children successfully work out problems, their faces lit up with.
47,This kind of medicine is sold at a much price with the help of the government.
48.Life has never been, but come out step by step.
49.lt was raining so that the climbers got wet all over.
50.Someone that we should set out earlier to avoid traffic jam.
I am a plastic bottle. A week ago, was on a _51_(超市)shelf. I felt really happy. Then a tall woman picked me up and drank the water inside me. Then she just threw me into a dustbin. I have never felt so _52_ (空的)and alone in my life.
Early the next morning, a man took me out. He threw me and the other rubbish into the back of a truck. Then I was pushed together with the _53_(乘U下的)of the rubbish. Soon I was _54_ (完全土也)flat. I cannot believe how thin became.
I slept for a while. When I _55_ (苏酉星)up, I found myself in a terrible place. Everything around me was ugly and had horrible _56_ (气味). I felt afraid. I kept hoping that I would be moved somewhere else. Then _57_ 英语四六级成绩查询2022年(巨大的)trucks came and _58_ (覆盖)us with a layer of soil.
I asked another bottle what would happen to us. He said that we would never leave this horrible and _59_ (拥挤的)place, but would have to stay here for thousands of years.
“Why can't they reuse or _60_ (回收)us?” I cried.
When most people hear of a charity asking for a donation(捐赠),they may wonder how much money they can give. But money is not the only thing you can donate--your time can be just as _61_ (value).
For example, my grandmother spends three afternoons a week_ 62_ (volunteer) in the local Oxfam shop. One of my friends' fathers spends Monday mornings driving elderly people _63_ hospitals for free. Then there are people _64_ donate their lives to help less lucky people. They get paid a little, but nowhere near as much as they could earn doing _65_ (they) jobs at home.
If you've got spare money, then _66_ (make) a donation is not too much trouble. You simply drop some coins in _67_ collection box, buy things from these organizations or ma
ke online payments. It never takes more than a few minutes. Giving away your time for free is _68_ (difference) and it shows real care to the charity.
Charities depend on the _69_ (kind) of people and without them, the good work that they do would not get done. _70_ it is your time or your money, most charities are glad to accept either.
Did you have any interesting dreams last night? Our dreams are from a part of the brain that includes our thoughts and memories. A person can have up to six dreams a night. Everyone dreams but not everyone remembers and we usually dream about ourselves and the people we know.
So why do we dream? Alan Siegel is a scientist who studies dreams, “ Dreams help us get in touch with our deeper feelings," he says, “They can tell us a lot about ourselves, an
d can help us solve problems." Another scientist, Robert Stickgold, believes we dream to remember; because memories are useful to the brain.
Here are a few types of dreams and what people think they mean.
Dream l:You Meet Someone While in Your Pajamas
Sometimes people dream that they meet someone they know while wearing their underwear (or nothing at all)! This dream may be the result of an embarrassing event in your life.