          学校:                    班级:                      姓名:                    考号:           
                                        密    封    线    内    不    要    答    题                                     
(  50分钟完卷,满分100分)
(  )1. Whose shoes are bigger?          (  )2. Where did he go last Saturday?          
(  )3. How did you go there?            (  )4.How tall are you??
(  )5. Did you do anything else?
A.Mike’s.    B. By subway.      C. Yes, I drank tea with my father.
D. I’m 1.55 metres.    E. He went to Guilin.
(  )6. A.do            B. saw            C. did
(  )7. A.football          B. badmintom        C.ball
(  )8. A. bookstore        B. museum            C. dinosaur
(  )9. A. younger          B. thinner            C. computer
(  )10. A. yesterday      B. evening            C. last night
(  )11. My schoolbag is bigger than _____.
A.hers        B. your          C. him
(  )12.This is _______English book. That is ________math book.
A. an, an          B. an, a          C. a, a
(  )13.Did Sarah ________the day before yesterday?
A.slept          B. sleep        C. sleeping
(  )14.But I _________ like pink now.
A.dont        B. didnt        C.国际汉语资格证报名入口 doesnt
(  )15. I want_____the new film magazine.
A.bought          B. buy            C.to buy
(  )16.How can I get _____there?
A. to              B. \            C. on
(  )17. There____no computer in my time.
A. is           B. was       C.were
(  )18. She _____a pink dress.
A. wear          B. wearing    C. wears
(  )19. I _____fresh food and took lots of pictures. 
A.eat          B.ate        C.eating
(  )20. What____ Lucy ____ last month?
A. did;do      B. do; does      C. does;do
四、情景交际。从B栏中选出A栏的答语,并将相应的字母代号用2B铅笔涂黑在答题卡相应的位置上。(每小题2分,共10分 )
            A                                     B
(  )21.肇庆招聘网Could you see stars at night?        A.My parents and my uncle.
(  )22.How was the beach ?                B. I rode a bike.
(  )23. What did you do there?              C.Yes, I liked the stars.
(  )24.Who did you go with?              D.It was beautiful .
(  )25.Did you see a film?                  E.No,I had a cold .
26.My sister is ________  (重) than  me.
27. I can  _________ (游泳)in summer.   
28.He likes_______camping(去野营).   
国家公务员工资800029.Wu Binbin  ________(看电视)TV with his grandma last night.
30.Mike  goes _________ (购物) every day .
31. went  I  to  forest  park  a  (.)
32. like  I  winter  didnt  before  (.)
33. go  did  holiday  where  you  your  over  ( ? )
34. no  there  in  was  school  library  my  old  (.)
35.cleand I my my clothes on room washed and SaturdayS  (.)
B: I read some magazines at home yesterday.____37___
A: Yes, I do
B:__38_____.Let’s go together.
A: Great!__39______
B: It is in front of the supermarket.
B:Let’s go by bike. It’s near.   
A. How can we get there?    B. What did you do yesterday?