UNIT 4 学情评估
时间:120分钟 满分:120分
 第一部分 听力 (共30分)
. 英语四六级成绩查询2022年听对话, 选答案(共15小题, 计20分)
第一节:听下面10段对话, 每段对话后有一个问题, 读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题, 从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题, 计10分)
(  )1. A. Town Cinema.    B. Sun Cinema.    C. Dream Cinema.
(  )2. A. By subway.    B. By bus.    C. By bike.
(  )3. A. Pandas.    B. Giraffes.    C. Monkeys.
(  )4. A. It's the most expensive.
B. It's the worst.
C. It's the cheapest.
(  )5. A. Ann. B. Helen. C. Jack.
(  )6. A. On the second floor.
B. On the third floor. C.
On the fourth floor.
(  )7. A. At 9:00 a. m.    B. At 2:00 p. m.    C. At 3:00 p. m.
(  )8. A. Because it's close to school.
B. Because the service is good.
C. Because it's cheap.
(  )9. A. Watching films at home.
B. Playing with friends.
C. Reading in the library.
(  )10. A. Go to see a movie.   
B. Stay at home.    2019年江苏省考时间
C. Go to visit his aunt.
第二节:听下面两段对话, 每段对话后有几道小题, 请根据每段对话的内容和所给的问题, 从三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。每段对话读两遍。(共5小题, 计10分)
听第11段对话, 回答第11、12小题。
(  )11. What does the woman think of Chinese Idol and China 's Got Talent?
A. Boring.    B. Interesting.    C. Popular.
(  )12. Which program does the man like?
A. The soap opera.   
B. The game show.   
C. The news.
听第12段对话, 回答第13至15小题。
(  )13. Where are they going for lunch?
A. In Zhang's Fast Food.
B. In Yuan's Fast Food.
C. In Jenny's home.
(  )14. Why are they going there?
A. Because it's close to their school.
B. Because it has the most comfortable seats.
C. Because it's cheap and the service is good.
(  )15. How do they go there?
A. By taxi.    B. On foot.    C. By bus.
. 听独白, 填信息(共5小题, 计10分)
本题你将听到一段独白, 读两遍。请根据独白内容, 用所听到的单词或短语完成下列各题。(每空限填一个单词。)
16. The talent show was on________2nd. 梦立方报名
17. The talent show was in the________ ________.
18. Julie's short play was the ________ of all the shows.
19. ________ was the best actor for sure.
20. Barry showed different kinds of________________.
第二部分 笔试 (共90分)
. 完形填空(共20小题, 计20分)
第一节:阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,  使短文连贯完整。
The Talent Show Day in our school was a day to remember! It was a great success. We had __21__ good time. Students, parents and teachers danced, sang, played instruments (乐器) and gave performances. There were more than twenty__22__. David Green, the school president(主席), played a piano piece. Michael Johnson won the first prize for the__23__ performance. When a reporter from our school magazine interviewed him, he said that singing was __24__ interesting to him. He sang all the time in his room alone or for his family , but never for so__25__ people. The prize____26__  the funniest act went to Peter White and his dog. They __27__a cute song together. His classmates said he was the __地方公务员招聘岗位在哪里看28__ boy in the class.
Many thanks to the parent and student volunteers(志愿者). They made this____29__ show possible. Many thanks to all the people who helped. We look forward to(期待)__30__ show!
(  )21. A. a      B. an      C. the      D. /
(  )22. A. play      B. act      C. acts      D. plays
(  )23. A. good      B. most      C. best      D. better
(  )24. A. anything          B. everything 
C. nothing          D. something
(  )25. A. little      B. few      C. much      D. many
(  )26. A. to      B. for      C. in      D. at
(  )27. A. sing      B. sang      C. sings      D. singing
(  )28. A. funny      B. funnier      C. funniest      D. boring
(  )29. A. talent      B. talk      C. talents      D. talks
(  )30. A. this year          B. this year's 
C. next year          D. next year's
第二节:阅读下面短文, 理解大意, 从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整。
Everyone is good at something, such as singing, dancing or playing instruments. Amy and Danny are my good friends. Amy sings the __31__ of us. She joined lots of singing competitions and won many__32__. Danny is talented in playing the piano. His mom __33__ him a piano as a gift on his eighth birthday. Then he started to play it. What about me? I'm good at __34__. There is a talent show in our __35__ every year. It is a__36__event(事件), and most students take part in(参与)it. It's up to the teachers and students to decide who sings the best or plays the piano the most __37__.
Last year, Amy and Danny __38__ in the show. But I didn't, because I thought no one would go to a talent show to watch a kid draw a picture. __39__ of them practiced hard before the show. Amy won the second prize. Danny didn't win a prize, but he was still very happy. “The most __40__ thing is that I tried my best to do it,” he said.
(  )31. A. best      B. funniest      C. worst      D. easiest 
贵阳招聘(  )32. A. screens      B. prizes      C. tickets      D. menus
(  )33. A. sold      B. took      C. gave      D. chose
(  )34. A. acting          B. dancing     
C. drawing          D. singing
(  )35. A. home          B. school     
C. program        D. photo
(  )36. A. fresh          B. wonderful     
C. similar          D. different
(  )37. A. beautifully      B. clearly      C. loudly      D. quietly
(  )38. A. answered      B. practiced      C. joined      D. watched
(  )39. A. All      B. Both      C. Either      D. Neither