1. ---What do you think of the movie?---______.
A. Yes, it's great.          B. Me, too.
C. It doesn't matter.      D. It's boring.
英语一级等级考试网站2. ---How do you study for a test?
---I study ____ working with a group.
A. by                B. for
C. with              D. of
On the 13 to town, Jack met a man with a cow. The man 14 Jack if he would like to trade his cow for some magic beans.
“Magic beans?” Jack thought. “That sounds like a great thing to trade!”
So Jack traded his cow for the magic beans. When he got back 15 to his mother’s house, she was very angry with him. She didn’t think that the magic beans were worth the cow. She threw them out of the window in a 16 because she thought they were useless.
But the next day, Jack woke up and looked out of the window. He saw a giant beanstalk (豆茎) that 17 to the sky. “Wow!” he said. “Those beans were 18 something after all!”
Jack climbed the beanstalk and found himself in a land of giants. He was very 19 , but he missed his family. So he stole a golden hen (母鸡) that laid (下) golden eggs, and went back down the beanstalk.
Jack and his mother lived 20 ever after with the money they made from the golden eggs.昆明市学考网中考成绩查询
11.    A. rich            B. poor            C. strong            D. brave
12.    A. ways          B. books            C. jobs              D. toys
13.    A. way          B. train            C. car                D. plane
14.    A. asked        B. told              C. helped          D. answered
15.    A. safe            B. proud          C. sorry            D. hungry
16.    A. bottle        B. bag                C. bowl              D. rage
17.    A. reached      B. led                C. started          D. belonged
18.    A. wanted    B. cost              C. found            D. invented
19.    A. surprised  B. scared        C. interested      D. tired
20.    A. secretly    B. alone            C. happily          D. noiselessly
There is an interesting name for a big black bird, the crow. It is called “the bird of magic”. In the stories of many cultures, the crow is a lucky animal. But in others, it is a very unlucky bird.
Crows are found all over the world. They are often found in cities and towns. Farmers do not like them because they sometimes eat their crops. But on the other hand, crows are very useful birds. They eat insects and other small animals, and this helps to keep the countryside clean.
Crows are also very clever. They can be trained to talk, and some people like to keep them as pets. One famous pet crow was called Jim, and it lived in the Tower of London. Jim lived to a very old age, and many people came to see him. His wings were not clipped, but he never flew away.