姓名:________                          得分:______
1. Eraser    ruler  pen
2. clap    touch  pick
3. carrot    onion  potato
4. sheep    goat  spider
5. eyes    neck  hair                    black  purple
1.  A: This is my bag.                  B: This is my new book.
2.  A: what’s this                    B: It’s a goat.
3.  A:I can see a car.                  B: He’s got three eyes.
4.  A: What’s in the hat                B: What’s on the table now
5.  A: I like bananas.                  B: I don’t like oranges.
6.  A: Here you are.                    B:  Thank you
1、This is a beautiful __________.
A. house
B. YesC、mouse
2、Let’s have a fruit and vegetable _________.
A. carrot
B. party    C、fuuny
3、He’s got three ______.
A. eyes
B. legs.  C、ears
4、This is my _________,Tony.
A. friend
B. mummy    C、grandpa
5、I like ____________.
1 This is a pea.
2 This is a fish.
3 This is a house.
4 This is a tiger .英语一级等级考试网站
5 This is a duck.
neck              head          mouth            hair          face
One  nine  two      four      eight    seven  five  six  ten  three
四、给下列单词分类 15分
pen    apple  tomato    pencil  banana  potato  beans    red
pencil-case  purple  book  orange    green  ruler  pineapple
desk : ____________________________________________________
watermelon :_____________________________________________
pea :____________________________________________________
blue :___________________________________________________
Who is he                Two pandas.
How many pandas          He is Peter.
What is it                          I t’s the letter O
Glad to meet you              Glad to meet you, too
How do you do                      Thank you.
Happy birthday to you .                How do you do
on the desk  under the chair  in the box  between the books  behind the cat
next to the bus
七、选择共10 分
1.      May: What’s your name
Tom: ___________________
A. I’m seven.
B. My name is Tom.
教师资格考试成绩查询入口C. Hello.
2.What’s your favourite food
A. car
B. pencil
C. taxi
D. apple
3.      May: What color do you like
Tom: ___________________
A. I have two.
B. I’m seven.
C. I like red.
4.What is it ________________
A. It’s a ruler .
吴江人力资源网招聘信息B. I like rulers .
C. I have a ruler.
5. Would you like an orange ____________
A. Yes , please .
B. It’s an orange .
C. It’s big.
6.      当别人对你说:Good morning 时,你应该说:
A.Good morning. B.How are you C.Good afternoon
7.当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说:______
A. This is Miss Wu. B.Miss Wu, this is my dad. C.He is my dad.
A. Thank you.
B. Not at all.
C. You're welcome
A. How old are you
B. Goodbye.
C. Nice to meet you
10.      当你问别人喜欢什么颜时,应该说:
A. What color do you like
B. What do you like
C. What’s your name 八.用正确的词填空;5分
国家教育考试中心1.One plus two is_______.                2. Two plus three is________.
3. Three plus_________ is seven.              minus three is_______.
minus _______ is one.