重庆 2023年全国英语等级考试考试:全国
1、 Robert sat at the table with smokers on__________side of him. (单选题
A. a11
B. both
C. either
2、 Mrs.Jones was poor.She didn’t have__________money.(单选题)
A. many
B. much
C. little
3、 Here’s your key,sir.I hope you’11__________your stay here.(单选题)
A. join
B. enjoy
C. welcome
A. you
B. your
C. yours
6、 People use it to hold and carry things.(单选题)
7、根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题 Every Tuesday,Carina goes to work in a bank.She knows all her customers(顾客)verywell,because they are her classmates.In fact,Carina and her customers are all 10years old. Carina ’s bank is in a school in Chica90.The bank is a branch(分支)of a national(国家的)bank,but me children run it themselves.It is open for 30 minutes a week.Every Tuesday morning,Carina opens the bank. Her classmates put their money in or take their money out.thebankpays interest to them. The idea for a school bank camefrom their teacher,Mr. Harry
Bassett.Mr. Bassett took hisidea to the national bank. The bank agreed to his plan. “We want to give me children a chance to learn about money,”said Mr. Bassett.“We are training them to lookaftertheir moneycarefully.” The next plan for the school bank is a credit card.“Many people in the USA don,t use creditcards Very well,”said Mr. Bassett.“0ur school bank will give the pupils some practice in usingcredit cards.”Pupils will be able to buy school meals and books with the credit cards. {TS}The school bank opens once a week.(单选题)
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say
8、 It is necessary for a city family to have a car.(单选题)
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say
A. pulled
B. cut
C. opened
10、请根据下面短文回答第{TSE}题: Yesterday,John went for a bus ride to the countryside.The bus was not full and he had agood seat at the front. For about an hour they were on the freeway(高速公路).Then,they turned off and drovealong a narrow(狭窄的)country road.Soon the road began to climb.They left several villagesbehind and came to a forest.There was very little sunlight and it was quite dark. When they got to the top of the hill,the driver parked the bus.They all got out.It was verycold.John wanted to go for a walk,but the bus driver said it looked like rain.He wanted to leavebefore the rain came. When they were halfway down the hill,John remembered something.On the way up the hillthere had been an old lady sitting behind him.She wasn’t sitting t
here now.He looked round thebus.There wasn’t any old lady on the bus anywhere. John told the driver about her.The driver had to turn the bus around and go up the hill again.When they got to the top,the old lady was waiting in the rain for the bus.She thanked John for remembering her. {TS}Where did John sit on the bus on the way up the hill? (单选题)
A. In front of an old lady.英语一级等级考试网站
B. Behind an old lady.
C. Beside an old lady.
11、 People take it in the mornin9.(单选题)
枣庄公务员招聘信息网A. Peter and Mary.
B. I'm American.
C. I like parties.
14、请根据下面短文回答第{TSE}题: Mara was going to stay with her friend Fanny for three days.A week before her trip,shecalled Fanny to tell her when the train would arrive.Fanny asked Mara to wait for her at the westentrance(入口)of the railway station. The train arrived early.Mara didn’t know the station very well and instead of going tothe westentrance,she went out of the north entrance and waited for Fanny there. Fanny checked at the information desk and found that the train had already arrived.She lookedround near the west entrance of the station but couldn’t see M
ara anywhere.She began to mink thatMara must have missed the train. Mara waited at the north entrance,but she couldn’t see Fanny.She decided that Fanny was notcoming to meet her after all.So she walked across the road to the bus station and asked for the busto Market Road,where Fanny lived. You Can imagine(想象)how surprised Fanny was when she arrived home and found Mara already talking to her mother. {TS}When did Mara tell Fanny about her train fide? (单选题)
A. On the day of her trip.
B. A week before her trip.
C. Three days before her trip.
15、 Some of the apples in the basket have gone__________.Throw them away! (单选题)
A. ill
B. wrong
C. bad
17、 Jerry__________his wife that he would be late for dinner·(单选题)
A. asked
B. told
2022年海南公务员考试时间C. said
18、 It is made for you to sleep in.(单选题)
19、 What is“a den”in“…she made a den…”? (单选题)
A. A home for bears.
B. A kind of bear food.
C. A cover made of grass.
A. or
B. and