  A businessman bought some goods at a market in the morning and set out at once for home with all his bags, for he wished to be in his own house before dark.山东教师教育网远程研修登录入口
  At noon he rested in a town. When he wanted to go on, the stable-boy (马童) brought his horse, saying :
  "A nail(钉子) is wanting, sir, in the shoe of the horse's left front foot. "
  "Let it be wanting," answered the businessman, "the shoe will stay on for ten kilometers. "
  In the afternoon he arrived at a hotel. The stable-boy came to him again and said, "Sir, a shoe is wanting from your horse' s left front foot. Shall we get a new one?"英语一级等级考试网站
  "Let it still be wanting," said the businessman, "the horse will be all right for a few kilome-ters more. "
  So he rode on, but soon the horse began to limp. It had not limped for long when it fell down and broke its leg. The businessman had to leave the horse and take all the bags on his back, and go home on foot.
  "That bad nail," he said to himself, "has made all this trouble. "
  61. Where did the story take place?
  A. At a market.
  B. At the businessman' s house.
  C. On the businessman' s way home.
  62. What was found to be lost when the businessman rested in a town?
  A. A bag.
  B. A nail.
  C. A shoe.
  63. What does "limp" mean in "...the horse began to limp. "?
  A. Jump high.
  B. Run really fast.
  C. Have trouble walking.
  64. Whose leg was broken?
  A. The horse' s.
  B. The stable-boy' s.
陕西考试管理中心  C. The businessman' s.
  65. The story tells us that事业单位在线查询
  A. money cannot buy everything
  B. small things can make great trouble
  C. nothing is impossible if you work hard
2019公务员职务与级别管理规定  到中午他就在镇上休息。当他想继续上路时,马童牵来他的马说:
  61.C【精析】句意:这个故事发生在哪里?细节题。从文章中第一段“A businessman bought some goods at a market in the morning and set out at once for home with all his bags…”可知,故事发生在商人回家的路上。故选C。
河北省公务员考试  62.B【精析】句意:当商人在镇上休息时发现什么丢了?细节题。从文章中第三段“A nail is wanting,sir,in the shoe of the horse’s left front foot.”可知,马的蹄铁上少了一颗钉子。故选B。
  63.C【精析】句意:“于是他接着赶路,但很快马就开始…”中的“limp”是什么意思?推断题。从文章中第七段第二句“It had not limped for long when it fell down and broke its leg.”可知,马是先瘸了然后再摔倒的。故选C。
  64.A【精析】句意:谁的腿断了?细节题。从文章中第七段第一句和.第二句“so he rode on,but soon the horse began to limp.It had not limped for long when it fell down and broke its leg.”可知,是马的腿断了。故选A。