第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the woman want to do?
A. Have a rest.      B. Go to the movies.      C. Visit Jeff with the man.
2. How much does the woman want for the watch?
A. $200.      B. $150.      C. $50.
3. When does the conversation take place?
A. During a vacation.      B. At the end of a term.      C. At the beginning of a term.
4. What happened to the woman?
A. She couldnt find Mr. Beringer.
2022年山东事业编报名时间B. She was late for an interview.
C. She failed to get a job.
5. What does the woman mean?
A. Only 10% of American mothers work.
B. Her mother is a housewife.
C. Most American mothers work.
6. Why does the man want to buy a new TV?高考招生网入口
A. The old TV is broken.    B. He moved to a new house.    C. The new TV is cheap now.
7. What will the man probably buy?
A. A cheap TV.      B. A small TV.      C. A big TV.基金从业人员资格考试
8. Where do the speakers prefer to go?
A. Hawaii.      B. Europe.      C. The Bahamas.
9. What will the speakers probably do next?
A. Check the travel fees.      B. Call their friends.      C. Book their flight.
10. Why is Harrods so famous?
A. Its the biggest department store in the UK.
B. Its the biggest building in the UK.
C. Its the biggest museum in the UK.
11. What is Food Hall famous for?
A. Its own electricity.      B. Egyptian buildings.      C. Different kinds of food.
12. How many customers are there in Harrods on an average day?
A. Sixty thousand.      B. Seventy thousand.      C. Thirty thousand.
13. Why is the woman moving to London?
A. To find a nicer place to live in.
B. To find a better job in a new place.
C. To live together with her parents.
14. Where does the woman live?
A. In a small village.      B. In a big city.      C. In a nearby country.
15. Who will take care of the womans dog?
A. The womans parents.      B. The man.      C. The woman.
16. What does the woman hope to live in?
A. A hotel.      B. A flat.      C. A dormitory.
17. How many rooms are there in the speakers house?
A. 8.      B. 9.      C. 10.
18. What does the speakers family usually do on Saturday afternoon in summer?
A. They water flowers in the garden.
B. They walk in the garden.
C. They have a barbecue.
19. What can we learn from what the speaker said?
A. He likes to stay outdoors.
B. There are only two seasons in California.
C. Its very hot in summer in California.
20. What does the speakers youngest son often play in summer?
A. Baseball.      B. Football.      C. Basketball.本硕专业不一致考公务员
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Cologne, Germany
The chocolate capital of Germany, Cologne is the home of the Stollwerck chocolate company. For the 150th anniversary of the company, museum exhibit was created to celebrate their history. Since then, the exhibit has grown into an entire museum. The Imhoff Stollwerck museum has interactive exhibits, samples and a giant chocolate fountain.
Tain L’Hermitage, France
Tain L’Hermitage is the home of the world-renowned chocolate producer, Valrhona. A great stop is the Valrhona Ecole du Grand Chocolate, a school that teaches professional chefs, chocolatiers and caterers. They even host a three-day course that teaches amateurs how to make desserts.
Hershey, America
2023年国考报名人数突破250万Dubbed "the Sweetest Place on Earth", the town originally called Derry Church was renamed Hershey in 1906 due to the popularity of Hershey chocolates. Chocolate-town h
as branded itself as an American chocolate center and some popular chocolate attractions include Hershey’s Chocolate World, The Hershey Story Museum and The Chocolate Spa.
Zurich, Switzerland
Switzerland consumes more chocolate per person than any other country, and with world-renowned companies like Cailler-Nestle, Lindt and Sprungli calling it home it’s no wonder. Zurich is the heart of chocolate production in the country. For a truly unique experience, the Swiss Travel System, along with Cailler-Nestle, offers an excursion on "The Swiss Chocolate Train". The train departs from Montreux and makes a stop in Gruyeres where Gruyere cheese is made before finally arriving in Broc where guests get a tour of the Cailler-Nestle factory.