10might provide medicine for these sick kids,but we provide that little bit of hope and magic that’ll go a long way.
1.A.lighted B.matched C.filled D.painted 2.A.about B.with C.over D.towards 3.A.fun B.pain C.value D.danger 4.A.act B.job C.game D.lesson 5.A.mind B.lead C.forget D.risk 6.A.hope B.fear C.shock D.pressure 7.A.looked up B.gave up C.broke into D.turned into 8.A.nor B.but C.for D.or 9.A.selling B.printing C.holding D.cleaning 10.A.Teachers B.Friends C.Patients D.Doctors
What was your favorite subject in school?History.I really loved studying different time periods,countries and cultures.I still love to read history books;travel when possible;watch the History Channel.
Kristin Singer Art.I was shy and quiet,and I could express my feelings through my artwork.It helped to build my self-confidence.
—Blair C.Wilke History/social studies.A great teacher got me thinking about the role that each of us plays in society and how we can change the course of history.
—Richard Goldman English.It created a love of books and writing in me.Being able to write beautiful words for others to read is real magic.
—Tammy Bond Top Answers Science25%
History/social studies17%
Other(includes music,art,etc.)26%
What your favorite subject says about you Science:You are highly curious.You try to understand things by studying them carefully. You wisely connect ideas or reasons.
Art:You are always looking for the bright side, even in the darkest situations,and often see the bigger picture.
History:You seem to remember everything.You are wise,humorous and hardworking.
world.The most important two are ren and li.
2023年湖北省公务员考试公告Ren is the feeling of care and love we should have for others.Confucius explained ren could best be understood as loving others.He is famous for teaching people“What you do not want done to yourself,do not do to others”.It is quite similar to what is known in the West as the Golden Rule(treat others as you wish to be treated).
While the meaning of ren is easy to understand,li is a little harder to express.It can be thought of as duty or even respect.Generally,li is the way we should connect with people in our everyday life.In Confucian writings,discussions about li include the proper way to drink tea and how to remember ancestors.While ren is mostly about our opinions and feelings,li is about how we express our opinions and feelings towards others and towards the world around us.
Perhaps the most well-known Confucian virtue is xiao.This is the duty children have to their parents.Xiao means loving,respecting,obeying and taking care of one’s parents in their old age.In Confucianism,xiao is important for a harmonious society:Without it,
the whole world would fall into a mess.
14.Which are the most important of the Five Constants?
A.Ren and yi.B.Ren and li.C.Li and xin.D.Yi and zhi. 15.What is the best Chinese for the underlined sentence in Paragraph3?
A.博学于文,约之以礼。B.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。C.己所不欲,勿施于人。D.君子和而不同,小人同而不和。16.Which of the following is an example of li?
A.Building a peaceful society.B.Taking care of one’s children. C.Obeying rules for drinking tea.D.Learning all through one’s life. 17.What does the passage mainly tell us about Confucianism?深发展银行招聘
A.Its general virtues.B.Its long history.
C.Its new challenges.D.Its golden rules.
Teenagers need eight to ten hours of sleep per night.However,in adolescence changes to the body’s sleep cycle make it difficult for teens to fall asleep early.Many cannot fall asleep even later and most of them will feel sleepy if they have to get up too early.
Scientists recommend that both middle and high schools begin no earlier Later school start times support the natural needs of teenagers and increase their sleeping time.
Here are some other benefits of later school start times:
More time for a healthy breakfast
When running late in the mornings,students are likely to go without breakfast.With an empty stomach,one finds it difficult to focus in class.When they are always in a hurry, students may form unhealthy eating habits.
敬业福字图片大全2022With extra time before going to school,students can eat a well-balanced breakfast and focus more on learning.
Fewer behavioral(行为的)problems
Teens experience mood changes as a common result of this special period of life.Less sleep may cause worries,stress and unhappiness.
When they get enough sleep,students are calm and peaceful and their moods do not change sudden
ly.They’re less likely to feel worried,unhappy or get angry.For parents, children with more sleep are easier to live with.
Better performance(表现)in study
Sleep loss hurts attention,memory and brain development.Students with less sleep have difficulty paying attention in class and are likely to have lower grades.Students with enough sleep can be more energetic during the day and more willing to learn.They are also less likely to fall asleep in class and more able to understand what they learn.
In conclusion,starting school later helps students get a better night’s sleep.It improves their chances of eating,behaving and performing better.
18.According to the passage,what may cause teenagers to stay up?
A.Their low grades.B.Their empty stomachs.
C.Their body’s sleep cycle.D.Their heavy homework.
19.How can sleep loss influence students’study?
A.It gives them much energy.B.It does harm to the brain.苏州事业编考试2023
C.It saves more time for study.D.It improves their memory. 20.What’s the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage?
A.To explain reasons for students’stress.
B.To describe bad habits caused by sleep loss.