试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷两部分,共150分。考试时间120 分钟。
1.What might the man want for supper?
B. Steak
C. Noodles.
2.What is the woman concerned about?
A.Catching a cold.
B. Losing her sweater.
C. Standing in a long line.
3.Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.In a gym.
B. In an office.
C. In a classroom.
4.What is the price of the day flight?
B. $400.
C. $410.
5.What does the man think of the story?
A.It is too hard to understand云南公务员考试试题及答案解析
B.The beginning is confusing.
C.The writer tells the story well.
6.What's wrong with the boys?
A.They lost a camera.
B. They got sick .
C. They wasted money.
7.What is the family probably going to do tomorrow?
A. Go shopping.
各院校考研分数线B. Go to a bank.
C. Have a birthday party.
8.What job is the woman applying for?
A. A gardener.
B. A nurse.
C. A teacher.
9.How many hours will the woman work per day?
A. Two.
B. Four.
C. Six.
10.What day might it be yesterday?
A. Monday.
B. Tuesday.
山东公务员考试题型C. Saturday.
11.What did the woman do after hearing the noise last night?
A.She went to sleep.
B.She turned the light on.
C.She went up for a look.
12.Who is the woman probably talking to?
A. A neighbor.
B. Her husband.
C. A policeman.
13.Where did the man go on holiday?
A. Paris.
B. Bali.
C. London.
14.What did the man do on the first day of his holiday?
A. Go swimming.
B. Go boating.
C.Play volleyball.
15.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Classmates.
B. Colleagues.
C. Fellow travelers.
16.How did the man probably feel when he visited the small island?
A. Tired.
B. Excited.
C. Disappointed.
17.Why did the post office in Guyana print their own special stamps?
A.They wanted to make more money.
B.They had only a few usual stamps left.
C.There were no 1 -cent or 4-cent stamps then.
18.How much was the 1-cent stamp sold for in 1980?
A. A few dollars.
B. Seven thousand dollars.
C. Seven million dollars.
19.Why are stamps with mistakes so valuable?
A. They are very limited.
B. They are very beautiful.
C. They were made long ago.
20.What is the text mainly about?
A.The history of the stamps.
B.Things learned from stamps.
C.Reasons for collecting stamps.
It can be hard to keep kids busy sometimes, especially when school is out. Whether your kid is in pre-school or high school, there are fun, educational, and even some free apps on this list for them.
ABCmouse. com
ABCmouse.c-o/m is available both as an app and a website. It uses fun storyline-based
videos, quizzes, and activities—there's even a virtual map outlining your child's learning path to keep kids engaged.
Ages: 4-8
Cost: One-month free trial, then $ 10/month subscription (订阅).
Epic! is an app for kids with an e-book library that contains over 35,000 children's books. This app is a perfect way to take reading wherever your device goes, and ifs great for families with kids of various ages.
Ages: 2-12
Cost: one-month free trial, then $ 8/month.
Kids know that math can be boring, but this app transforms numbers into something more creative and interactive . Quick Math Jr. is an app for kids with 12 different math games that feature fundamental math skills and concepts.
Ages: 4-8
Cost: free
BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week
For 20 years, BrainPOP has been providing kids all over the world with in-depth, yet easy to understand educational videos on everything ranging from Mozart to food allergies. BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week is an app that helps younger kids get these videos, plus short quizzes on them.
Ages :6-9
Cost: free, optional subscription(订阅)is $6.99/month
21.How much is it if you want to use EPIC! for the first year?
A.$ 120
B. $96
C. $110
D. $ 88
22.Which app will be suitable if a child wants to improve the skill about number?
考人民银行的要求C. ABCmouse. Com
D. BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week
23.What do the four apps have in common?
A. They are interactive.
B. They are educational.
C. Players have quizzes.
D. They are free of charge.
A teenager in Georgia will no longer have to walk 7 miles to work after school thanks to one woman's act of kindness.
Jay den Sutton, a high school senior, went on foot each day from school to his job at a restaurant and then back home. Sutton was determined to work and make enough money to eventually buy his own vehicle.
Sutton said he'd leave school at 3:30 pm, then walk miles to his job at the restaurant. After his work, which usually lasted six to eight hours, he walked home, sometimes not arriving
back until almost midnight.
That all changed when Myers saw him walking down the road in the rain in December. 66The young man was insistently in a rush walking to work, saying ‘I can't be late,'" Myers said. "He begged me to give him a ride(搭车).I told him I could take him as far as I was going. I began to create small talk along the way. It was revealed to me that his name was Jayden, 12th grader, worked 40 hours a week, walked 5 miles to work immediately after school, got off at 10:30 pm at night and walked back home another 5 miles if co-workers didn't offer a ride."
After dropping Sutton off, Myers said his heart and determination filled her with tears.
t4He was smiling in good spirits and thafs a child worth blessing/9 she told Fox News. So, Myers shared Sutton's story on the GoFundMe page, which raised more than $ 9, 000 from 186 donors.
She surprised Sutton with a new car after she managed to convince the general manager to drop the price of the car to meet the budget(预算).
24.Why did Sutton work so hard in his spare time?
A. To gain working experience.
B. To pay for his education.
C. To own a car.
D. To support his family.
25.What difficulty did Sutton have in his work at the restaurant?
A.He worked longer than other workers.
B.His work was too tiring.
C.His job was much less paid.
D.He had to walk to work.
26.What does the underlined word "revealed" in paragraph 4 mean?
A. Known.
B. Attached.
C. Believed.
D. Limited.
27.What do we know about the money donated online?
A.It could buy more than a new car.
B.It was not enough to buy a new car.任丘事业单位招聘2021
C.It was given to Myers to buy herself a new car.
D.It mainly came from a car sales manager.
I enjoy life because I am endlessly interested in people and their growth. My interest leads me to widen my knowledge of people, and this in turn makes me believe in the common goodness of mankind. I believe that the normal human heart is good since their birth. That is, it's born sensitive and feeling eager to be approved and to
approve, hungry for simple happiness and the chance to live.
Like Confucius, I am absorbed in the wonder of the earth, and the life on it. With a great faith in the human heart and its power to grow toward the light, I find here are reasons enough for hope and confidence in the future of mankind. The common sense of people will surely prove that mutual (相互的)support and cooperation are only sensible for the security and happiness of all. Such faith keeps me continually ready to do what one person can toward shaping the environment in which the human being can grow with freedom. This environment, I believe, is based upon the necessity for security and friendship.
I take heart in a promising fact that the future world will contain food supplies enough for the entire earth population. Our knowledge of medical science will be sufficient to improve the health of the whole human race. Our resources and education, if administered on a world scale, will lift the intelligence of the race.
Half a century ago, few people thought of world food, health and education. Many are thinking today of these things. Now I find my only questions about this: Are there enough people now who believe? Is there enough time left for the wise to act? It is a contest between ignorance and death, or wisdom and life. My faith in humanity stands firm. 28. What results in the author's belief in people's goodness?
A. His understanding of people.
B. His desire for happiness.
C. His sensitive attitude to life.
D. His kindness to people.
29. What should people do to build a secure and happy world?
A. Get ready to develop more friendship.
B. Compete with others in everything.
C. Defeat others to get enough freedom.
D. Help and cooperate with each other. 30. What does the author want to express in paragraph 3? A. His demand for the present life.    B. His expectation of the future
31. What may be the best title of the text?
A. Human Nature Is Good C. Live a Happy Life
D. Help People in Need
Humans have found an easy way to tell if others are lying. Recent research shows that the
D. His hope of human relationships. B. Believe in Ourselves C. His belief in better environment.