一、Part I Writing
1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled There Is No End to Learning by commenting on the famous saying, "Education is not complete with graduation." You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.
There Is No End to Learning
Section A
(A)Their death rate is too high to be neglected.
(B)Governments pay little attention to the issue.
(C)They want to win the public's praise.
(D)There are little data about them to do research.
(A)Maternal death.
(B)Various types of injuries.
(C)Infectious disease.计算机考试准考证打印入口
(D)Natural disaster.
(A)The White House warned them not to do now.
(B)The panel of experts objected the proposals.
(C)NASA didn't get adequate money.
(D)It would be too costly to do so.
(A)By loaning money from the state bank.
(B)By cooperating with private enterprises. (C)By resorting to commercial banks.
(D)By intensifying structural adjustment.
(A)LG has exposed new concept TVs.
(B)The market of TVs decreased.
(C)TV will be replaced by computers.
(D)LG is lagging behind in the TV competition. (A)They will be sold in stores this year.
(B)They will be mass-produced.大学四级考试报名入口
(C)The price of them is not very high.
(D)One of them can be rolled up like a newspaper. (A)CES technology expo.
(B)Ultra-high definition televisions.
(C)Distinguishable technology.
(D)Creative concepts like LG's.
Section B
(A)His inbox was broken.
(B)He made a big mistake.
(C)The meeting was put off.
(D)The work was postponed.
(A)There is a bunch of coffee.
(B)It is full of misplaced memos. (C)The secretary works beside it. (D)Things get piled up there.
(A)It has not been sent out yet.
(B)It was posted in the break room. (C)It never got to the man's inbox. (D)It was misplaced by the man. (A)Ask the secretary about the memo. (B)Talk to his friends about the secret. (C)Read the memo to get the truth. (D)Take a bunch of coffee breaks. (A)She can't have a break again. (B)The tires of her car are broken. (C)She can't sell her car in the shop. (D)Her car is being repaired again.
(A)He is incapable of repairing old cars.四川特岗教师招聘公告2023
(B)He may overcharge her for the repairing.
(C)He may make an incorrect estimate.
(D)He doesn't know much about cars.
(A)Offer the woman a ride home.
海南省公务员考试真题(B)Write the homework for the woman.
(C)Drive the woman back to campus.
(D)Recommend a new car mechanic to the woman. (A)Move back to live on campus.
(B)Leave alone those troubles.
(C)Pay a visit to the dormitory.
(D)Move to live near the campus.
Section C
(A)People who are over 65 years old.
(B)People whose life is different from younger ones. (C)People who retire from full-time work.
(D)People who live, far away from their family. (A)Money.
(A)Communities near their family.
(B)Communities in big cities.
(C)Communities in warm climates.
(D)Communities in the countryside.
(A)The number of senior citizens is increasing rapidly. (B)The problem of senior citizen becomes more serious. (C)Senior citizens are less active than before.
(D)More senior citizens are involved in politics.
(A)She was famous for her sharply funny comments. (B)She served as the governor of Texas for 2 years. (C)She helped black people to get their rights.
(D)She worked as a teacher of four students.
(A)Deputy Secretary.
(B)Foreign minister.
(C)Country commissioner.
(D)State governor.
(A)Ann Richards created a world for all the young people.
(B)Ann Richards was the greatest feminist in the US.
(C)Ann Richards helped young girls find their places.
英语一国家线2023预估(D)Ann Richards was a kind-hearted person.
(A)Accepting the criticism and ignore the praise.
(B)Understanding the reason behind people's criticism.
(C)Stopping caring other people's opinions.
(D)Smiling to all the praise and criticism.
(A)Thank the person.
(B)Correct it happily.
(C)Ignore the mistake.
(D)Cancel the publication.
(A)The topic is worth discussing again.
(B)The topic is funny and meaningful.
(C)The topic needs to be well understood.
(D)The topic has to be changed.
Section A
26 Could the reason for the world's economic misfortunes all come down to finger length? Although certainly an oversimplification of our【C1】______troubles, scientists