1.Liu Yang is ________ first woman astronaut in China.山东招生考试院信息平台
A.a B.an C.the D./
2.Spring is coming. Many children like enjoying ________ in the park.
A.himself B.herself C.myself D.themselves 3.Because of the bad weather, the sports meeting has to be ________.
A.put up B.put on C.put off D.put out 4.We can see the computer is ________ in the picture.
A.on the desk B.on the chair C.under the desk D.under the chair 5.Brain felt sad because his cookies ________ by a dog.
A.eat B.ate C.are eaten D.were eaten 6.I am pretty ________ about the news that my cousin is coming. Because I have not seen him for three years.
A.worried B.excited C.sure D.serious 7.He didn’t do well in the math test ________ he had tried his best to learn math.
A.though B.and C.so D.unless 8.—________ will you come back from London, Jack?
—In two weeks. I’ll bring a present for you, Mary.
A.How many B.How soon C.How often D.How long 9.—Who has eaten up the cake? Is it Alan?
—It’s impossible! He ________ eats sweets!
A.usually B.never C.always D.often 10.—Mary, here is your umbrella. I’m sorry I took it by mistake.
A.Take your time.B.Have a good time.C.It doesn’t matter.D.My pleasure. 11.— I won’t go to Jim’s birthday party unless he invites me.
— ________ Because I don’t know the time and the place.
C.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.D.Business is business.
19.—I have got first place in the spoken English competition.
—________ I’m proud of you.
A.My pleasure!B.Have a good day!C.Well done!D.Good luck! 20.Which of the following signs will you probably see in a washroom?
24.A.their B.your C.our D.my 25.A.turn down B.turn up C.cut up D.cut down 26.A.According to B.Instead of C.Out of D.Along with 27.A.discuss B.speak C.say D.talk 28.A.So B.But C.Though D.Or 29.A.background B.bedroom C.backpack D.bedtime 30.A.why to do it B.where to go C.what to do D.when to do it
33.The story each competitor tells must be finished in 5 minutes. 34.The top five competitors can win prizes.
35.For more information, you can call Mrs. Smith at 880-9912.
Chinese Food-tasting Hall
Opening time: From three in the afternoon to ten in the evening.中考查分网站登录入口2023
Notice: Don’t take your own food. If you take any, please put it outside the hall.
Price: ¥80 for everyone.
Telephone: 705-9318.
Bread-making Shop
Opening time: From eight in the morning to eight in the evening.
Main activity: You can make bread by yourself.
Price: ¥50 for an adult, ¥20 for a kid under 18.
Telephone: 723-1895.
Fish-frying Corner
Opening time: From eight to eleven in the morning.
Main activity: You can fry fish as you like. Notice: You must bring fish yourself. Price: Free.
Telephone: 752-3016.
E-mail: **************.
烟台市今天招工信息Rice-cooking Street
Opening time: From two to six in the afternoon.
Main activity: You can cook rice in your favorite way.
Price: ¥30 for everyone. Telephone: 752-3198.