学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.The computer center,( )last year,is very popular among the students in this school.
A.open B.opening C.having opened D.opened
2.( ),he does get annoyed with her sometimes.
A.Although much he likes her
B.Much although he likes her
C.As he likes her much
D.Much as he likes her
3.I just wonder( )that makes him so excited.
A.why it does B.what he does C.how it is D.what it is
4.Australia has several different climatic regions,from warm to( )and tropical.
A.temperate B.subtropical C.inental
5.The fifth-generation computers,with artificial intelligence,( )and perfected now.
B.have developed
C.are being developed
D.will have been developed
6.Which kind of animal is not the executive of Australia?( )
A.Emu B.Kiwi C.Duck-billed platypus D.Kangaroo
7.The criterion used in IC analysis is ( )
A.uping D.substitutability
8.John is reading an interesting book on evolution theory which was written by Charles Darwin,who was a British naturalist who developed a theory of evolution based on natural selection.What design feature of language is reflected in the example?( )
A.Creativity B.Arbitrariness C.Displacement D.Duality
9.Her mother is one of the representatives of( )feminism.
A.vital B.fundamental C.radical D.basic
10.According to the maxim of ( ) suggested by Grice, one should speak truthfully.
A.quality B.lation D.quantity
11.Which of the following statements about American education is wrong?( )
A.Elementary and secondary education is free and compulsory
B.More public collges,universities than private ones
C.Private school fnancially supported by religious,nonreligious and private organizations,individuals
D.Credits taken at community colleges are normally applicable to requirement for a four-year bachelor’s degree
12.The Anglo-Saxons brought( )religion to Britain.
A.Christian B.Druid C.Roman Catholic D.Teutonic
13.The Hundred Year’s War lasted from 1337 to 1453 between Britain and( )
A.the US B.France C.Canada D.Australia
14.In the Canadian parliamentary system,( )holds the highest position.
A.free morpheme
B.The President
C.The Governor General
D.The Prime Minister
15.-It was an interesting exhibition, wasn′t it?-No, it was very uninteresting.Which maxim of the Politeness Principle that above example violates?( )
A.The tact maxim
B.The modesty maxim
C.The agreement maxim
D.The sympathy maxim
2023军队文职招聘公告16.In which day is Halloween celebrated?( )
A.5 November B.31 October C.17 March D.25 December
17.The Cooperative Principle is proposed by ( ).
A.Saussure B.Grice C.Chomsky D.Leech
18.The captain and his crews depended on the( )of navigation- the compass for orientation.
A.instrument B.device C.appliance D.equipment2022湖南省考最终人数
19.The heart is( )intelligent than the stomach,for they are both controlled by the brain.
A.not much C.much more
20.I don’t think it advisable that Tim( )to the job since he has no experience.
A.is assigned
B.will be assigned
C.be assigned
D.has been assigned
21.Agressive courage and determination,and( )spirit is inevitable for rapid social development.
A.innovative B.iginal
盘锦人才网22.“X buys something from Y” and“Y sells something to X” are in a relation of ( )
B.gradable antonymy
Cplementary antonymy
公益二类事业单位好吗D.converse antonymy
23.Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university _____.
A.has been accepted
B.have been accepted
C.was accepted
D.were accepted
24.( ) is regarded as the“father of American literature”
A.James Fenimore Cooper
B.Ralph Waldo Emerson
C.Thomas Jefferson
D.Washington Irving
25.The National Day of Canada is( )
A.July 1st B.June 1st C.October 1st D.July 3rd
26.Although the teacher has explained to us,the meaning of the article is still( )to me.
A.faint B.obscure C.ambiguous D.vague
27.The passengers in missing airplane were( )dead after several months of search.
A.ified D.verified
28.Jane Austen wrote all the following novels EXCEPT ( )
A.Sense and Sensibility
C.Pride and Prejudice
29.Year-end bonus will be( )according to individual contribution.