I. 听句子选图画
看图听句子, 选出与句子意思一致的图画。每个句子读一遍。
II. 听句子选答语
根据你所听到的句子, 选出正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。会计职称成绩查询入口
6. A. Singer.                    B. Chinese.              C. Orange.
7. A. It's 20 dollars.            B. It's useful.                C. It's in the library.
8. A. Good luck!                  B. Good job!              C. Good idea!
9. A. OK, I will.                B. Sure, please.            C. Yes, you can.
10. A. You're welcome.            B. Of course not.          C. Don't mention it. III. 对话理解
根据你所听到的对话内容, 选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
听第一段对话, 回答第11和第12小题。
11. Who does well in science?
A. Tony.
B. Mary.
C. Tina.
12. What does the boy's sister look like?
听第二段对话, 回答第1315小题。
13. What does the boy think of swimming?
A. Tiring.
B. Useful.
C. Important.
14. How often does the girl have the swimming lesson?
A. Once a week.
B. Twice a week.
C. Three times a week.
15. When will the two speakers go shopping?
A. On Saturday afternoon.
B. On Sunday morning.
C. On Sunday afternoon.
IV. 短文理解
根据你所听到的短文内容, 选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。
16. The party will be held _______________.
A. at Bill's home
B. in a restaurant
C. at the school
17. The guests will arrive at around ______________.
A. 6:15
B. 6:30
C. 7:00
18. Maria thinks __________ is the best for the party.
A. pop music
B. country music
C. jazz
19. Betty will bring some ___________ to the party.
A. ice cream
B. cakes
C. drinks
20. The phone number of Mr. Black is ____________.
A. 6433627
B. 6432376
C. 6455267
V. 单项选择
21. A. space                  B. thank                  C. plane
22. A. fever                    B. chess                  C. spend
23. A. house                  B. soup                  C. shout
24. A. pear                    B. wear                    C. clear
25. A. sky                      B. city                    C. tidy
B)选择填空。从A, B, C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。
26. Yuan Longping is ___________ great scientist. He has helped to feed the world.
A. /
B. a
C. an
27. Sansha, a beautiful city, lies ____________ the south of China.
A. in
B. on
C. to
28. Mike has lost-new watch. He is looking for it everywhere.
2023年云南省招生考试工作网A. he
B. his
C. him
29. —Is everyone here today?
—No. Two students are ________ because they have a cold.
A. angry
B. absent
C. active
30. In the war against COVID-19, the Chinese government is making efforts to make sure the vaccine(疫苗)is _________-- taken all over the country.
A. hardly海南省考试局登录
六级口语考试详细流程B. deeply
C. widely
31—How long can I keep these books?
—According to the library rules, you __________ return them within 7 days.
A. must
B. might
C. could
32. —What are you going to be when you ____________?
—I want to be a doctor like Wu Mengchao.
A. grow up
B. turn up
C. get up
33. —I have less homework than before!
—Me, too. Now, we have enough time __________ sports.
A. do
B. doing
C. to do
34. —Jerry, can you give me a hand?
—Just a minute. I ___________ an e-mail.
A. have sent
B. am sending
C. was sending
35. Many tourists visit Hainan around the Spring Festival, because it's _______ too cold _________ too hot.
A. and
B. but also
C. nor
36.______ time flies! Our middle school life is coming to an end.
A. How
B. What
C. What a
37. The play Teahouse __________ by the famous Chinese writer Lao She.
A. wrote
B. was writing
C. was written
38. It is said Zhang Sanfeng created tai chi(太极)after watching a fight between a snake and a bird.________, many movements in tai chi have names of animals.
A. In fact
B. In total
C. In time
39. —John, I wonder ________.
—My teachers. It's impossible for me to get such great success without their help.
A. why you work so hard
B. what you have achieved
C. who you want to thank most
40. —I fell off my bike yesterday. I will not ride to school anymore!
—I don't think that's a good idea. That's just throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
What is the best Chinese for the underlined expression?
浙江省公务员报名时间表2022A. 回圈吞枣
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 从每小题所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
A company in the United States once decided that it would offer lots of money to anyone who
could find a white marigold(金盏花). Most marigolds are either golden or brown. It is very hard to find a 41 one.
Twenty years later, the company received a 42 from an old woman. She sent 100 white
marigold seeds(种子)along with the letter.
The woman was a fan of 43 . When she first heard the company's notice 20 years ago, she got very 44 . She thought she could grow her own white marigolds. But her children didn't believe her. She knew 45 about seed genetics(遗传学)after all. Her dream of growing white
marigolds might be just a dream.
Still, she 46 to make it happen. She planted some common marigold seeds an 47 them. A year later, when the plants produced flowers, she chose one of the faintest (颜淡)and took its seeds. She planted these seeds and waited another year for them to open. Year after year, her 48_ changed. Her husband died, her children moved away, and many things happened. 49 , her dream to grow white marigolds stayed strong in her heart.
Finally, after 20 years, she went out to her 50 and found a marigold that was not just white一it was as white as the purest snow!
41. A. white    B. golden    C. brown
42. A. phone    B. letter    C. ticket
43. A. flowers    B. trees    C. grasses
44. A. surprised    B. worried    C. excited
45. A. something    B. nothing    C. everything
46. A. worked    B. helped    C. asked
安徽自考专升本47. A. made friends with    B. kept away from    C. took care of
48. A. taste    B. life    C. habit
49. A. So    B. Also    C. However
50. A. garden    B. office    C. company