学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.The direct cause for the Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort to( )
A.divorce his wife
B.break with Rome
C.support the Protestants
D.declare his supreme power over the church
2.The path in the park looked beautiful,( )with( )leaves.
3.( ),domesticated grapes grow in clusters,range in color from pale green to black,and contain sugar in varying quantities.
A.Their botanical classification as berries
B.Although their botanical classification as berries
C.Because berries being their botanical classification
D.Classified botanically as berries
4.This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen( )comfortably.
A.is worm B.wears C.Wearing D.are worn
5.Consonant articulation is relatively easy to feel and as a result is most conveniently des
cribed in terms of ( ) and manner of articulation.
A.place B.speed C.power D.time
6.I apologize if I( )you,but I assure you it was unintentional.
B.had offended
C.should have offended
D.might have offended
7.( )is the dividing line between the South and North of America.
2023云南公务员招考岗位职位表公布A.The Hudson River
B.The Potomac River
C.The Ohio River
D.The Missouri River
8.China is an agricultural country,therefore agriculture is inevitably( )in national economy.
A.inevitable B.fundamental C.radical D.basic
9.Which play is not a comedy?( )
A.A Midsummer Night ′s Dream
B.The Merchant of Vince国考面试公告什么时候发布
C.As You Like it
D.Romeo and Juliet
10.Jane Austen wrote all the following novels EXCEPT ( )
A.Sense and Sensibility
C.Pride and Prejudice
11.Which kind of animal is not the executive of Australia?( )
A.Emu B.Kiwi C.Duck-billed platypus D.Kangaroo
12.I’ll work( )because I don’t want to let him down.
A.hard B.hardest C.harder D.hardly
13.In addition,far( )Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than did their counterparts in the 10 other countries surveyed.
A.more B.less C.fewer D.better
14.Which of the following is NOT included in G.Leech′s seven types of meaning?( )
A.Connotative meaning
B.Denotative meaning
C.Conceptual meaning
D.Affective meaning
15.A sentence is considered when it conforms to the grammatical knowledge in the mind of ( ) native speakers.
A.right B.ammatical D.ungrammatical
16.The Hundred Year’s War between Britain and France was fought( ).
A.from 1327 to 1453
B.from 1337 to 1453
C.from 1347 to 1453
D.from 1357 to 1453
17.The Financier was written by ( )
A.Mark Twain
B.Henry James
C.William Faulkner
D.Theodore Dreiser
18.The following American states are among the first thirteen colonies except( ).
A.Maryland B.South Carolina C.Delaware D.Colorado
19.The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is written by ( )
A.Scott Fitzgerald
B.William Faulkner
2023考研英语国家线多少分C.Eugene O′Neil
D.Ernest Hemingway
20.Australia can be divided into three big regions,which of the following is not included?( )
A.The Great Dividing Range
B.The Murray
C.The Central Lowlands
D.The Western Plateau
21.( ) was honored as“the Father of English Poetry
A.William Langland
B.Sir Thomas Marlory
C.Geoffrey Chaucer
22.The captain and his crews depended on the( )of navigation- the compass for orientation.
A.instrument B.device C.appliance D.equipment
23.The earliest invasion of England is that by( )
A.the Iberian B.the Danes C.the Celts D.the Anglo Saxons
24.My watch fell down on the ground and there was a hairline crack in the( )of dial plate.
A.frontier B.boundary C.limit D.rim
25.The anthem of Canada is ( )
A.Canada The Beautiful
B.O Canada
C.God Defend Canada
D.Advance Canada Fair
26.I just wonder( )that makes him so excited.
A.why it does B.what he does C.how it is D.what it is
27.When did the Australian Constitution take effect?( )
A.1 January,1900
B.1 January,1901
C.26 January,1801
D.26 January,1800
28.The company adopted new policies to( )its market competitiveness.
A.aggravate B.strengthen C.intensify D.lift
29.The UN put the( )forward so as to better cope with the tense situation in the Middle East.
A.conference B.summit C.rally D.seminar
30.He( )with Smith at least four times in the past three years.