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一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)
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英语六级成绩查询2022时间A.Y B.N C.NG 
2. The story of apple orchard suggests that ______.
A.you should find a orchard with enough apples 
B.the more you change, the more chances you will get 
C.you can pick more apples because of your luck 
D.you should try harder to find apples in the places you've visited before 
The most important factors necessary to lower population growth rates in the developing world are ______.
"Man" paralleled the Latin word "homo" 'which means ______.
People usually place an early bid in case the bidding ends too soon with someone choosing _______________.
It was ______ from her desperate dad that flung Nancy Woods and her parents into action.
7. Comparing the results of household surveys, we can conclude that people with different levels of income have different ______ .
8. Most models predict more warming in the troposphere than at the surface, whereas most datasets ______.
Chantek, the "orangutan person", signs "tomato toothpaste" and "eye drink" for ______ respectively.
10. "Are you still beating your wife?" is in reality two questions that are usually ______.
From the context, the word "minute" (Line 4, Para l) is closest in meaning to "second".
The Indians had invented the hammock long before the Europeans came to South America.
Since the journey from England to Scotland is quite long, it's good to ______ .
A.drive all the way 
B.have a companion 
C.take an extra wheel 
贵州人事考试网登录D.pick up a friend 
Stock investments are better to early retirees than other common retirement investments i
n that when cashed in. they require only______.
If many people have demand for the network at the same time, the data communication will be difficult even with 4G technology.
16.More than 2,300 universities in over 100 countries have introduced Chinese courses to their curricula, and young overseas nationals flock to China each year to learn Chinese. In 2004, the number of international students in China was 400,000, with an annual increase of 20 percent in the past five years, according to the Chinese .Ministry of Education.
The Rise of China's Economy
Monsieur Label and his wife, both respected architects living in Paris' Sixth Quarter, have enrolled their daughter in a nearby school where Chinese classes start at kindergarten. Monsieur Label says of China: "I and my colleagues witnessed the country's amazing dev
elopment when we .attended a recent seminar in Shenzhen. I believe that China is the economic superpower of the future. My wife and I speak French, English and Spanish, but my daughter should also learn Chinese because it will be useful to her when she grows up."
Since Chinese courses were added to the curricula of 132 French junior and senior high schools their enrollment has doubled. That at the Oriental Language and Culture College, one of France's largest Chinese teaching colleges, has skyrocketed in recent yearn, according to Xu Dan, dean of the Chinese Department. She confirms that Chinese and Japanese are now the two most studied Asian languages.国家医学考试网成绩打印入口
华图公务员培训机构怎么样French junior student Beida says totally fluent in Chinese. "I'm learning Chinese because I want to be an international lawyer in China, "he explains.
Young French entrepreneur Petrie Penia established his Beiyan Consultancy Company in Paris, and it now works together with China Central Television in introducing French traditions and culture to Chinese audiences. Patric also cooperated with Beijing's Universi
ty of Finance and Economies and Central University of Finance and Economies in launching a three-week crash course in Chinese in Beijing. In 2005, he initiated the "Chinese people and business management" training course in Paris, which consists of seminars to help French businessmen understand how Chinese business operates.
Germany has also caught on to the benefits of Chinese language learning, and has added Chinese to its high school graduation exams. Many international corporations also hold introductory Chinese courses for employee's assigned work in China. "English isn't enough," says Herr Gerck, president of Siemens China, "We need to equip our staff with the ability to deal with Chinese merchants in their own language."
In Britain, a Chinese teaching program that will form. part of the national curriculum has been formulated and approved by the Department of Education and Skills. In the U. S. , Chinese is part of the Advance Placement Program for American high school students. This means that students can take college-level Chinese in the same way as they learn French, Spanish and German and gain credits if they get good test results. More than 2,500 primary and high schools now offer AP courses in the Chinese language.