普通话测试国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考的是,他将出席会议没有残忍,不管是人或动物试题库答案(第二版)8.It was natural (自然 )that he count(计算 )16.we should be careful仔细 when we are 单项选择the days before going home.doing our exercises.练习
Section19.when she saw the clouds(乌去密布 ) she17.The tallest hat帽子 would make him so 1.The orange is too high on the tree . It’s went back to house to fetch (取 ) her tall that people would stop calling him a
out of my reach ( 伸出手 ).I need umbrella( 伞 ).little man.高顶帽子令他非常高大,人们someone to help me.10.The metals which we find in the earth将停止称他是小个人。
国家电网考试考哪几科2.The city is named after famous include (包括 ) iron , lead and copper.在18.Everyone seemed(似乎 ) to turn (变成 ) a
president.(这个城市是著名的总统名字我们地球上发现金属包括有铁,铅和铜blind( 失明 ) eye to the rubbish (垃圾 )on 命名的 ) named after 短语”命名”11.Your hair needs to be cut(
兵团公务员局剪 ) ;would you the floor.每个人都似乎在地板上又视而3.It took millions of people several years like me to do it for you..不见垃圾
to build the Great Wall.12.It was difficult难 to guess猜测 what19.If you have a house full of children an 4.I have always considered ( 考虑过的 /认her reaction反应 to the news消息rubbish垃圾 , you will next keep it
为) you my best friend.would be.clean( 清扫 )
5.If I take this medicine twice a day, it13.Contrary 相反 to your prediction预言 ,20.You are very lucky( 幸运 ), because you
2022年全国两会精神主要内容should cure (治愈 )my cold.. 如果我服用they lost the game..have a chance(机会 )to study at 此药,一天两次,就应该治愈我的感冒14.We say that a person has good college( 大学 )
6.It is considerate 考虑周到的 of you to manners if he or she is polite,kind21.I was ashamed of耻于 when I lived生
turn down the radio while your sister is and helpful to others.我们说一个人具活 .
still ill in bed.这是体贴你调低收音机,你有良好的风度,如果他或她是有礼貌,善22. Xiao wang always comes up with( 提的妹妹还在床上生病。良和乐于助人。出)wonderful(极好) ideas.
7. It’ s not quite certain肯定that he will15. He is always kind , never cruel ,either to23. Considering (考虑到 ) his age( 年龄 ), he is
be present at the meeting.这不是肯定people or to animals.他总是仁慈,从来unable to take the job.
24.It is impossible to know in advance (预先 ) 1.Peter ’ s latest book is so good that is一直在寻
what will happen.beyond all praise赞美不尽彼得的最新10.The local地方 government政府 will 25.Although 尽管 many young people are著作是太好,超越所有的赞扬offer 提供 us what we need.当地政府
keen (热心 ,渴望 )on going abroad( 出国 ), 2.His failure to pay his debts confirmed证将为我们提供我们所需要的
he prefers( 宁愿 ) to stay and work in his实 their suspicion 怀疑 that he was not11.The room became completely dark be trusted. 他没有支付他的债务证实when the candle went out 熄灭房间变得26.The doctor has warned( 警告 ) time and他们的怀疑,他不值得信任完全黑暗当蜡烛熄灭时
again( 屡次 ) that smoking will affect (影 3.Sorry, I took your pen by mistake错误过12.Pollution is said to cause使 many 响 ) his health,but johny just won ’t失对不起,我误拿了你的笔people to suffer from患 cancer 癌. 污染listen 4.The sisters differ in 在?不同 their是说令许多人患上癌症
27.You ’ d better最好 have your cat interests 兴趣 .13.The doctor said he would try his best to
repaired at once立刻 , or you will be late 5.I long for 渴望 an opportunity 机会 of relieve 减
轻 her of her pain痛苦 .医生for professor ’ s教授 lecture 演讲seeing you.我渴望见到你一个机会说,他将尽最大努力,以减轻她的痛苦
28.This is the very house in which Mr.Zhou 6.We have lessons every day except除14.Do you enjoy reading about the
once 曾经 lived居住 .外 on Sunday adventures冒险 of the great explorer伟29.The old photo (reminded him of 使..记7.Failure(失败 ) to communicate沟通大探险家in the African forests非洲丛林
起 )his childhood 儿童时代in the resulted in 导致 the high divorce rate.15.It is impolite无礼 to stare盯着 at countryside 农村不沟通导致离婚率高somebody or follow跟着him 30.He slipped and broke his leg. As a result8.I am glad to have been given 已获得 a constantly不变地 . 这是不礼貌地盯着别
因此 he would have to away from school change改变visit访问 our country.我人,或者不断地跟他走
for two weeks. 他滑倒摔断了腿。因此,很高兴能有更改访问贵国16.We entered the museum just to find 只他将不得不从学校离开了两个星期9. Ruth finally 最后managed 达成to find是为了 a shelter避难所from a Section2what she was looking for露丝才到她shower阵雨.我们走进博物馆只是为了
到避雨的所。rid of 摆脱 her bad habit 习惯 . 这位年轻30.When Tom woke up he was in the 17.Baby-sitting 保姆 is part of an off-camp的姑娘下了决心摆脱她的坏习惯hospital,but he didn ’ t know how that
job. 保姆是场外阵营工作的一部分24.It was in Greece 希腊 that Olympic had come about 发生造成的 . 当汤姆醒18.Please speak loudly and clearly to make competitions started. 正是在希腊的奥林来时,他在医院里,但他不知道怎样发生
yourself heard and understood. 请大声匹克竞赛开始的
说话,显然使自己听到和理解。25.It seems 似乎 that his opinions看法 are
19.Smallpox 天花 left 留下lasting 持久always different 不同 from his girl-friend.Section3
scars 疤痕 on George Washington ’s They don ’ t get along相处融洽 well.. 1.John ’s sudden 突然的 death 死亡 was nose and cheeks 脸颊 but most artists26.The price of houses is going up while a great blow 打击 to his mother and it 艺术家 kindly 亲切 left out 遗漏 the that of cars has been brought down only took her a long time to get over 自??中pockmarks 痘痕 when painting 画 his to about 80 thousand yuan 在房屋价格恢复过来 the grief 悲痛 .