1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。
Ⅰ. 单项选择
1、—I have never visited a paper factory.  —_____
A.So have I.    B.So I have.    C.Neither have I.    D.I haven’t no
2、-- What a pity! You missed the beginning of the movie, it __ for 10 minutes.
-- Oh, a traffic jam!
A.began  B. stated  C. has been on  D. has been off
3、―Could you tell me something about Switzerland?
―Oh, it is       European country with       beautiful environment.
A.an; a    B.an; the    C.a; a    D.a; the
4、I’ll miss ____ kind and caring teacher along with the sweet memories of ____.
A.our; ours    B.ours; ours    C.ours; our    D.our; our
5、Happiness and success often come to those  are good at recognizing their own strengths.
A.where    B.who    C.what    D.which
6、My book ___________ here in two days through the EMS.
A.are sent    B.is sent    C.will be sent    D.will send
7、—Hi, Simon, the summer vacation is coming. I plan to go to Sanya with my family for a holiday.
—Great! _________
A.No problem.    B.Have a good time.    C.Thank you.
8、More and more people ______ the importance of the eco-friendly lifestyle.
A.miss    B.promise    C.realize    D.suggest
9、I think the film Amazing China is ________film __________I’ve ever seen.
A.the most exciting;which    B.more exciting;which
C.more exciting;that    D.the most exciting;that
10、Have you seen _______ first photo of a black hole on the Internet? What _______ amazing photo it is!
A.a, a    B.a, an    C.the, a    D.the, an
Ⅱ. 完形填空
11、A young man went to visit a wise man living deep in the mountain for the wisdom of life.
“Excuse me! Could you please tell me what the most   1  day in our lives is? Is it the day when we were born or the day we   2  ? Is it the day when fall in love or the day we succeed?” The man asked.
“Neither. The most important day in our lives is   3  英语四级成绩查询入口2022 .” The wise man replied calmly.
“Why?” The young man felt more than   4  , “Is it because there is a moving event taking place today?”
“No. Nothing has happened today.”
“Is it because of my visit?”
“Even if nobody visited me today, today is   5  very important because today is the only wealth we have . No matter how memorable yesterday is, it has gone by like a ship going down into the sea; no matter how bright tomorrow may be, it is yet to come, but no matter how common today is, it is under our   6  .”
甘肃自学考试教育院The young man still wanted to ask something, while the wise man   7  him and said, “When we are talking about the meaning of today, we have   8  a lot of it.”
The young man nodded and then went down the mountain.
Actually, today is the only   9  we have. So, what we should do now is to   10  yesterday and tomorrow and catch fast today!
1.A.important    B.necessary    C.comfortable    D.sad
2.A.miss    B.die    C.grow    D.move
3.A.yesterday    B.tomorrow    C.today    D.day
4.A.jealous    B.pleased    C.puzzled    D.upset
5.A.still    B.already    C.ever    D.just
6.A.way    B.control    C.care    D.mind
7.A.stopped    B.refused    C.encouraged    D.decided
8.A.treasured    B.avoided    C.wasted    D.paid
9.A.excuse    B.plan    C.chance    D.idea
10.A.remember    B.forget    C.treat    D.catch
Ⅲ. 语法填空
My best friend Michael is a 15-year-old boy. We are in the same class. He works very h1.. He is never late for school and he does well in all his 2. (lesson). He is always ready to help others. My math is very poor, so he often helps me w3.考执业医师资格证需要什么条件 it after class. His parents are both teachers and they are really b4., so he often helps do the housework at home.
He is a little shorter but he is 5. (strong) than me. He likes playing football very much at school. We often play football t6. and he plays it well. But I’m more 7. (interest) in art. He gets on well with our classmates. Everyone in our class 8. (like) him. But now it’s time to graduate and we are going to leave school.
Michael and I are going to 9. (difference) high schools. In the future, he wants to be a policeman and I hope to be a 10. (music). We believe our friendship will be forever.
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
漳州市事业单位岗位表13、MANY 15-year-olds don’t know what they want to be when they grow up. Abby Harris knows she wants to become an astronaut and isn’t letting anything stop her.
党的思想路线是什么According to Harris’ Internet blog, Astronaut Abby, she has wanted to be the first astronaut to walk on Mars since she was 5 years old.
Harris wrote that at the beginning, most people didn’t take her dream seriously. But she stuck with (坚持) it.