恩波英语模考答案-Part Writing
My View on DUI Offences
Every year, thousands upon thousands of people are killed or injured in road accidents. A large proportion of these are alcohol related. Studies show that the use of alcohol results in decreased driving ability and increased risk of car crashes. People who drive under the influence of alcohol are nicknamed “highway killers”.
Unfortunately, DUI remains a serious problem in China today in spite of some progress. Why is it so difficult to stop “highway killing”? What makes the DUI offenders reckless of the risk? I think the first reason may be the drivers failure to recognize the consequence. When they drink before driving, they think “just one drink won t hurt,” turning a blind eye to the danger. The second but more important reason is the drivers disregard for the law. They totally ignore their responsibility for road safety and are not deterred by the legal punishment because it is not severer enough.
It is Irish time to take critical steps to prevent DUI offences. Apart from an education campaign to call for responsible driving and raise public awareness, there is an urgent need for more effective supervision, such as more frequent random breath testing to spot DUI offenders and stiffer penalties including revocation of driving licenses, heavy fines and even jail sentences. Only with these measures taken, can we prevent more tragedies from happening.
Part Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)
1. D2. C3. A4. B5. A6. D7. C
8. neglected9. set limits10. the temptation of technology
Part Listening Comprehension
11-15 DCDAC 16-20 DABBD 21-25 ABAAD
26-30 DCCAB3135CADDC
36 国家司法考试中心电话 considerable 37 assessment 38 unbearable 39 structure
40 define 41 玉溪人才网 perform 42 effectiveness 43 physical
44 At university, you are concerned about the importance of your results in relation to the career you want to follow
45 Of course, too, it goes without saying that preparations for examinations can place a terrible strain on students
46 Sometimes there may be problems locating or having access to the resources one needs
Part Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)
47-51 KDMAG
52-56 ICNOE
57-6 1CDBAC
62-66 CDABC
Part Cloze
Part Translation
87 learn how to get along with each other
88 but that he has been addicted to the Net for a long time
89 compared with other forms of energy such as oil
90. he regretted having made such a hasty decision
91. No sooner had he gone to sleep
11. M: I know that short hair is fashionable these days, but you looked so much nicer with long hair.
W: Long hair may look nice, but during the summer it s so uncomfortable. Even after I bought an air conditioner my hair still bothered me.
Q: Why does the woman have her hair cut?
12. W: Is the rescue crew still looking for survivors of the plane crash?
M: Yes, they have been searching the area for hours, but they haven t found anybody else. They ll keep searching until night falls.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
13. M: How about going to the movies tonight, Helen?
W: I d love to. But my mother is going to New Zealand to visit my brother, and I have to drive her to the airport. How about some other time, Henry?
Q: What will Helen do tonight?
14. M: I m really exhausted, but I don t want to miss that feature film that comes on at midnight.
W: If I were you, I d skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow morning and anyway I ve heard it s not that exciting.
Q: What does the woman think the man should do?
15. M: While you re having your hair done, I might as well do the shopping.
W: Good, it will take at least a week to get to Denmark. Buy some stamps while you are there, and some airmail envelopes, will you?
Q: What is the man planning to do now?
16. M: I have to type my term paper for history until late into the night, but I m afraid my roommate won t be able to go to sleep.
W: That certainly is true. Why don t you try the typing room in the basement? It is soundproof.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
17. M: I could really use a small calculator like that one for my statistics homework!
W: Why don t you go in and see what they cost here. It looks like they re having a sale.
Q: What does the woman think the man should do?
18. M: I have such a bad ear infection that I won高考各科成绩查询网站入口 t be able to come to the final exam this afternoon.
法律职业资格证W: Only your instructor can tell you what to do in this situation.