  1.These teachers try to be objective when they ________ the integrated ability of their students.
  A) justify
  B) evaluate
  C) indicate
  D) reckon
  2.Mrs. Morris’s daughter is pretty and ________, and many girls envy her.
  A) slender
  B) light
  C) faint
  D) minor四川自贡人事考试网
  3.Tomorrow the mayor is to ________ a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city.
  A) coordinate
  B) cooperate
  C) accompany
  D) associate
  4.I’m ________ enough to know it is going to be a very difficult situation to compete against three strong teams.
  A) realistic
  B) conscious
  C) aware
  D) radical
  5.Can you give me even the ________ clue as to where her son might be?
  A) simplest
  B) slightest
  C) least
  D) utmost
  6.Norman Davis will be remembered by many with ________ not only as a great scholar but also as a most delightful and faithful friend.
  A) kindness
  B) friendliness
  C) warmth
  D) affection
  7.Salaries for ________ positions seem to be higher than for permanent ones.
  A) legal
  B) optional
  C) voluntary
  D) temporary
  8.Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S. society. ________, it has affected the traditional role of men.
  A) Above all
  B) In all
  C) At most
  D) At last
  9.Science and technology have ________ in important ways to the improvement of agricultural production.
  A) attached
  B) assisted
  C) contributed
  D) witnessed
  10.As an actor he could communicate a whole ________ of emotions.湖南考试网二级建造师
  A) frame
  B) range
  C) number
  D) scale
  justify:v. 替...辩护,证明,证明正当;
  evaluate:vt. 评估,评价,赋值
  indicate:vt. 显示,象征,指示,指出
  reckon:vt. 计算,总计,估计,认为,猜想vi. 数,计算,估计,依赖,料想
  slender:a. 纤细的,苗条的;微少的,微薄的
  light:n. 光,光线,光明,光亮;灯,灯塔;眼光,见解a. 轻的,轻淡的,轻松的,轻便的
  faint:n. 昏厥,昏倒a. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的vi. 昏倒,变得微弱
  minor:n. 未成年人,副修科目;a. 较小的,二流的,未成年的;v. 辅修;
  coordinate:n. 同等的人物,同位格,坐标a. 同等的,等位的 vi. (使)协调
  cooperate:vi. 合作,协力,配合
  accompany:vt. 伴随,陪伴,陪同,伴奏,为…伴奏
  associate:vt. 使发生联系,使联合;把…联想起来vi. 交往,结交n. 合伙人,同事a. 副的
  realistic:a. 现实的,逼真的,现实主义的,实在论的
  conscious:a. 有意识的,自觉的;有意识的,神志清醒的
  aware:a. 意识到的,知道的,明白的,发觉的
  radical:n. 激进分子,语根,基础a. 激进的,根本的,基本的,根的
  slightest:a. 最少的
  least:a. 最小的,最少的;最不重要的,地位最低的ad. 最小,最少,最不n. 最小,最少
  utmost:a. 最远的,极度的,最大的n. 极限,最大限度
  friendliness:n. 友谊,亲切,亲密考研查询网站
  warmth:n. 温暖,温情,暖和,激动,生气
  affection:n. 感情,好感,爱情,慈爱;影响
  legal:a. 法律的,合法的,法定的,正当的
  optional:a. 可选择的,随意的
  voluntary:a. 自动的,自愿的,故意的,志愿的,非官办的,自发的n. 即兴演奏,志愿者
  temporary:a. 暂时的,临时的; n.临时房屋,临时的事物