Part I Writing石家庄招聘
Keep Learning, Keep Progress
Nowadays more and more people keep learning new skills to adapt to a fast-changing world. Only by learning new skills constantly can we avoid obsolescence in such a society where knowledge and technology upgrade in a rapid way.
With regard to college students, what matters most is the development of new knowledge and skills. Only by constant learning can they keep pace with the changing world and build up the foundation for earning a place in the work after graduation. In addition,it is of vital importance for employees to engage in lifelong learning,for fast-changing economic technology lowers the demand for workers and creates new jobs with higher demands, forcing people without required skills into unemployment. Meanwhile, old people should continue to learn new skills as well to meet their needs in daily life. Take electronic products for example. It is necessary for old people to learn how to use smartphones in contacting someone and scanning QR Code outside.吉林省抚松县被人们称为是哪种药材之乡?
In a nutshell, lifelong learning has been a hot word for a long time, and it's never too late to learn. So, are you ready to learn new skills?河南省考笔试成绩查询入口
PartⅡListening Comprehension
PartⅢReading Comprehension
山东省选调生高校名单46-50 BAADB 51-55 BCDCD
The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, the first dual-use/double-decked road-rail bridge over the Yangtze River in China was designed by Chinese and built with domestic material/using material made in Chi
na, [domestically designed and constructed]. Its upper deck, with a four-lane highway,spans/stretches 4,589 meters. Its lower deck, with a double-track railway, is 6,772 meters long.The upper tier of the bridge is a four-lane highway with a span of 4,589 meters, while the lower level holds a twin-track railway with a length of 6,772 meters.] The bridge connects the two former/original Tian jin-Pukou and Shanghai-Nanjing railway lines, shorting/cutting the river crossing time/travel time from the previous one and a half hours to the current two minutes. The bridge is an important hub serving the north- south traffic/transport/transportation and also one of the well-known attractions/scenic spots in Nanjing. The completion of this bridge marked a leap in .China's bridge construction/building, greatly facilitating the movement/exchange of goods and people [making it much more convenient for the movement/exchange of goods and people] on the banks of the Yangtze River. It also plays a massive role in boosting/promoting economic and improving people's livelihood/well being lives.