班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.---Jim is()clever()he understands everything.
---I don’t think so. He can understand everything because he works hard.
A.so,,to C.such,,that
2.There ________ for him ________ for two days.
A.are enough food;to eat
B.is enough food;to eat
C.are food enough;eating
D.is enough food;eating
3.What()we are having today.
A.fine weather
B.a fine weather
C.fine weathers
D.fine a weather
4.I knocked at the door,but()answered,so I left.
A.somebody B.body D.everybody
5.He plays it().
A.on every weekend
B.at every weekend
C.in every weekend
D.every weekend
6.You will succeed()if you don’t give up halfway.
A.in time C.at a time D.from time to time
7.There was a big crowd waiting ________ the opening ceremony to start.
硕士研究生招生考试将举行A.by B.from C.for D.with
8.---Would you like anything else?
---Yes. I’d like().
A.six apples more
B.another apples six
C.apples six more
D.another six apples
9.— I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long.
— Never mind.I ________ here for only a few minutes.
A.have been B.have come C.have arrived D.waited
10.___Children's Day my mother takes me___Beihai Park.
A.On;in B.In;on C.On;to D.At;to
11.We had thought the examination would be difficult, but it ________ easy.
A.turned B.came C.appeared D.proved
12.---Can you hear Mary()in her room every day?
---Yes,I heard her()just now.
A.singing; to sing
B.singing; sings
C.sing; sings
D.sing; singing
13._________ important it is for kids to imagine freely.
A.What B.What a C.What an D.How
14.What’s ________ with you?
A.matter B.wrong C.thing D.the wrong
15.Debbie is growing fast. She is even() than her mother.
A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest
16.My grandparents()here before Chinese New Year came.
内蒙古公务员报考条件A.arrived B.arrived ached to
17.——You missed a good chance ——Yes. I ____that job when it was offered
A.should take
考公务员限制专业吗?B.must take
C.should have taken
D.must have taken
18.What did the teacher()you to()at the meeting?
A.tell;ll;speak C.ask;ld;speak
19.This is the place()we took the book.
A.in which B.for which C.at which D.at where
20. Bejing is not so() Shanghai.
A.larger as B.large as C.larger than D.large to
21.Please ___ the new shoes here and ___ the old ones there.
A.bring;take B.take;bring C.bring;bring D.take;take
22.It is time to go to bed.We had better().
A.stop to talk
定向社区B.stop talking
C.to stop to talk
D.to stop talking
23.You look(). What’s wrong,Linda?
A.happy B.happily C.sad D.sadly