Part I  Writing
参考范文: 第一种图表(即我们试题部分的图表)
Education Pays
    The bar graph describes the unemployment rates in 2010 for social groups with different education degrees in theUnited States. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the better you are educated, the more likely you are to get employed. For example, there are only about 1.9% and 4% of people with doctoral degree and masters degree respectively who are unemployed, while people with only a high school diploma or less suffer a much higher unemployment rate (14.9% and 10.3% respectively).
    These data clearly indicate that education pays in the long run and it is a worthy investment. In this IT age especially, when knowledge of science and technology is power, people need to be well equipped with knowledge and skills in order to be competiti
ve in job hunting and be better paid. A higher degree is definitely an advantage in the first place in the job market.石家庄招聘网最新招聘
It must be added, however, a high degree alone is not enough. It will not ensure a better employment opportunity. In order to succeed in the career, people must also develop practical skills and techniques as well as good communication, teamwork and social experience.英语四级考试成绩查询时间2023年
Education Pays
    As is shown in the bar chart above, the social groups with higher degree are not only more likely to be employed in the first place, but they are also better paid later in the workplace. Those with doctoral and professional degrees enjoy a much higher weekly median earning ($1551 and 1665 respectively) and suffer a much lower unemployment rate (2.5% and 2.4%). On the other hand, those with less education s
uffer a considerably higher unemployment rate and have a much lower weekly income. For example, there are a total of 23.5% (9.4%+14.1%) of people unemployed with high school diploma or less, who have only a median weekly income of $545, as compared with the average $797.
    These data clearly indicate that education pays in the long run and it is a worthy investment. In this IT age especially, when knowledge of science and technology is power, people need to be well equipped with knowledge and skills in order to be competitive in job hunting and be better paid. A higher degree is definitely an advantage in the first place in the job market and a competitive edge for workplace promotions.
    It must be added, however, a high degree alone is not enough. It will not ensure a better employment opportunity and higher salary. In order to succeed in the career, people must also develop practical skills and techniques as well as good communication, teamwork and social experience.
四级考试主要的作文命题形式是“文示”提纲作文,但不时也考应用文(书信、演讲词等)和图表作文,图表作文曾在1991年6月(表格: Changes in Peoples Diet)和2002年6月(柱状图: Student Use of Computers),似乎是10年考一次, 但不排除今后会更频繁地考到。图表作文包括表格作文(table)、曲线图作文(curve)、饼状图作文(pie)和柱状图作文(bar), 图表作文既有图表为考生提供大量数据信息,有时又有文字提示对作文的要点和展开方向作出规定。
图表作文是一种特殊的提示作文,即通过图表提供作文的话题,写作的要点隐含在图表之中。所以这类作文的构思过程与普通的提示作文大同小异,主要的不同是要在构思前增加一个读图(即对图表的解读)的过程。考生必须先仔细研读图表,使图表中的数据、曲线 、图形等成为与短文标题相关并能为我所用的有意义的信息。任何图表都含有表层信息和深层含义。考生读图时务必要把握这两方面的内容,仅对图表表层信息作一简单描述不是这类作文的命题目的。这类作文主要考的是考生对图表深层次信息(原因、根源、发展可能等)的挖掘和阐述。实践中,不论图表以何种方式出现,这类作文都可以采用下列统一的标准提纲:
第一段 图表描述。概要描述图表所揭示的某种社会现象的变化发展情况,注意尽可能少地直接引用图表数据,要将图表数据进行分析,归纳后进行概括性综述;
第二段 原因或根源。阐述导致该社会现象或发展变化的深层次原因; 四川省人事考试网电话
第三段 结论或评述。对该社会现象发展变化进行理性预测或利弊评述,也可阐述本人的看法或观点。
Pattern I揭示根源及潜在问题的图表
    As indicated by the figures/data given in the picture/graph, it is obvious that ① … fell/rose/climbed significantly (greatly/sharply/steadily) from (数字)in (时间)to (数字)in (时间). It can also be seen that there was a sharp (great) rise (decline/drop) in(方面) from (数字)to (数字)(by n times/ n percent) during th
三支一扶报名人数查询e same period.
    There are several causes contributing to the development (change/rise/fall) shown in the graph. Among other things, ②…. Besides, ③…. And finally, ④…
    But there are also some problems/advantages underlying/behind this development/ change, and ⑤… is one of them. Therefore, whether this trend is a blessing or a curse in the long run, only tell can tell.
① 插入名词性从句的主语;概述图表中变化的某个方面;
②、③、④ 插入名词性从句;揭示图表变化的三个内在原因;
⑤ 插入名词短语;提出这种变化背后可能引起的问题。
Health Gained in Developing Countries(见图表三)
    As indicated by the data given in the graph, it is obvious that life expectancy in developing countries has climbed from about 40 years in the 1960s to around 60 in the 1990s, increasing by 20 years within 3 decades. It can also be seen, as a sharp contrast, that there was a sharp drop in infant mortality, by 15%, from 250 deaths per 1000 births to about 100 deaths per 1000 during the same period.