Part I Writing
【标准版】Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will
Nothing runs smoothly in our life. To achieve things successfully, a strong will is essential. Life is like a Marathon. Many people can’t get to the terminal. This is not because they are lack of vitality but because their will of success is not strong enough.
To take quitting smoking as an example, some regard it as a piece of cake. They make up their minds to quit it in the morning, but in the evening they feel that the smell of cigarettes is tempting. Their throats are sore, their mouths are thirsty, and their hands are shaking. After the painful mental struggle, they tell themselves that “One cigarette is enough. Just take one, and the next day I will quit it.” By doing this, they surrender to their weak will. In the end, they have quitted smoking “a hundred times”, but in no time they succeed.
Just like quitting smoking, nothing succeeds without a strong will. To be successful in one’s
life, a strong will means that you know where you go and you will persist on the road you choose. Undoubtedly success belongs to those who overcome their weak will and who hang in there until the last minute.
本文属于话题作文,只看题目“Nothing Succeeds without a strong will”考生会觉得比较抽象,难以下手。细看题目说明中给出了提示,要求考生结合戒烟屡次不成功的幽默引语对该话题进行分析阐述。
总体上来看,文章思路清晰,采用了生动的比喻和形象的心理描写,语言流畅,用语地道。但一些重复表达(如第二段和第三段中的weak will)显得单调,可用shaky ones, weak-willed personsthe strong-willed等灵活表达。在备考中,多积累不同表达,相信会写出更生动的文章。湖北教资报名时间
【高分版】Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will
As we have read from above, quitting-smoking seems easy, but in reality it is rarely achieved. There is something provoking and interesting in this paradox, just because sword does not wear the stone as dripping water does.
The ability to do something over and over again in a short time may imply its easiness, but in a long run, a lifetime maybe, things turn out to be quite the opposite. Also, as is often the case, one may have obtained all the tools and opportunities to achieve something, but in the end they still fail due to the will shortage.
So how could we avoid the dilemma? Here is the prime condition of success: will and perseverance. Concentrate you energy, thought and mind exclusively on the business in which you are engaged, hang on in there and be patient, for, as Emerson put it, no one can cheat you out of your ultimate success but yourself.
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
1. A person of integrity not only sets high moral and ethical standards but also _______.
A) sticks to them in their daily life
B) makes them known to others
C) understands their true values
D)sees that others also follow them
【答案】A) sticks to them in their daily life
【解析】第一题的答案就在全文第一句。关键词是not only. But also. ,关键句是The key to integrity is consistency--not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each day. 这里的盘锦市公务员招聘信息live up to 和选项里的stick to 属于同义替换。
2. What role does integrity play in personal and professional relationships?
A) It helps to create team spirit
铁路局招聘信息B) It facilitates communication
C) It is the basis of mutual trust
D) It inspires mutual respect
【答案】C) It is the basis of mutual trust
【解析】关键词是personal and professional,关键句是Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals.
3. why must we learn to identify the risks we are going to take
A. To ensure we make responsible choices.2020中考成绩查询通道
B. To avoid being overwhelmed by stress.
C. so that we don’t break any rules.
D. so that we don’t run into trouble.
【答案】A. To ensure we make responsible choices.
【解析】关键词是identify the risks,关键句是Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsible choices. 所以答案很明显是A