自考考籍查询系统2021年12月英语四级(第2套)听力真题 短文(1)
  All parents know it is difficult to get children to eat their vegetables. Some of them offer rewards or treats for children finishing their share. But researchers have discovered that youngsters who are not praised for trying vegetables are more likely to eat them eventually. The study found that the best way to get children to eat food they do not like is simply to give them repeated exposure to it. Psychologists from Ghent University in Belgium studied 98 children. They gave them five kinds of vegetables to eat-mushrooms, peas, eggplants, carrots and cabbages. The taste tests revealed that carrots were the least-liked vegetable among youngsters. The children were then given a bowl of boiled carrots and told to choose how much to eat. After 8 minutes, they were asked to rate the dish as “delicious,” “just OK” or “disgusting.” The trial went on twice a week for a month, with a follow-up taste test after 8 weeks. Children were split into three groups, with one group asked to try the bowl of carrots repeatedly with no further encouragement. The other two groups were given rewards of a toy or verbal praise. After the trial, 81% of children who simply tried the carrots consistently liked them. This is in contrast to 68% for the group given a toy and 75% for the
怎么自考幼师资格证书group given verbal praise.所有的父母都知道让孩子蔬菜很难。他们中的一些人会为完成任务的孩子提供奖励或款待。但研究人员发现,那些没有因为尝试蔬菜而受到表扬的年轻人最终更有可能吃蔬菜。研究发现,让孩子们吃他们不喜欢的食物的最好方法就是让他们反复接触这些食物。比利时根特大学的心理学家研究了98名儿童。他们给他们五种蔬菜作为食物——蘑菇、豌豆、茄子、胡萝卜和卷心菜。口味测试显示,胡萝卜是年轻人最不喜欢的蔬菜。然后给孩子们一碗煮胡萝卜,让他们选择吃多少。8分钟后,他们被要求评价这道菜“美味”、“还可以”或“恶心”。试验持续一个月,每周进行两次,8周后再进行一次味觉测试。孩子们被分成三组,其中一组被要求在没有进一步鼓励的情况下反复尝试这碗胡萝卜。另外两组则得到玩具或口头表扬的奖励。在试验后,81%的孩子只是简单地吃了胡萝卜,他们始终喜欢胡萝卜。相比之下,得到玩具的那组有68%,得到口头表扬的那组有75%。Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.请根据你刚刚听到的文章回答问题16至问题18。16.What is the best way to get children to eat vegetables according to a recent study?问题16:根据最近的一项研究,让孩子吃蔬菜的最好方法是什么?17.What did the researchers find about carrots?问题17:关于胡萝卜,研究人员发现了什么?18.What does the result of this research show?问题18:这项研究的结果说明了什么?武汉大学研究生招生简章