  Businesses put lots of time and money into new plans, programs and excellent employees with the hope things will change. Yet, at the end of the effort, not much changes. What happens
  In most cases, those new plans, programs and employees enter a company with an existing culture (文化). And plans, programs and new employees have a way of conforming to(顺应)the existing culture. The culture of your business is the result of a particular mindset , or a particular way of thinking and the general feelings about certain things. Most often, it is the mindset of the founder or people managing the business.
  The founder has gotten to where he is because of his skill sets, knowledge base and personal beliefs, which unfortunately all come with inherent (固有的)limits. Why Skills, knowledge and beliefs come from what he or she already knows or has experienced. In other words, it comes from the past. We ( people) try to make the past fit the future. Just because something worked in the past, doesn't mean it is suitable for the future. As the sayi
ng goes, if you do and think what you have always done and thought, you will have what you have always had.
  Therefore, lasting changes have to start with the way people think. To make changes in the way you think, you will be required ta set goals beyond your basic abilities and continuously think them through. It is a way to train yourself and people to get out of the comfort zone where you feel happy with your knowledge and skills.
  40.Which question does the author try to answer?
  A.What past experience is useful for businesses
2022年研究生国家线预测  B.How much time is needed for making plans
  C.How can changes be made in businesses
  D.What kinds of employees are the best
  41.Where does the business culture mainly come from?
  A.The founde
  B.The progres
  C.The new employee
  D.The collective effor
  42.What does the author think about the mindset of the company leader?
  A.It can prevent the enrichment of experience
  B.It is useful far skill and knowledge learnin
  C.It is important for personal beliefs build-u
教师资格证报名入口  D.It may limit the company's developmen
  43.What plays a key role in making changes in a company?
  A.Making a breakthrough in the way people thin
  B.Training people to be able to face hardshi
  C.Setting clearer goals for employee
  D.Making the past fit the future
查询4级成绩  It' s not much , but it' s home. Francis Chan, an engineer, lives in Hampstead, north London, in a flat that's just 4ft wide by 21ft long. He loves it.
  Tiny though it is, it has got all the comforts. Peter Baynes, Chan’s architect (建筑师),has achieved a clever piece of design,according to architectural experts.
  The Chan mini-house was built on what was once a path down the side of a big Victarian house. Not an inch of space is wasted.