2022六级选词填空练习题(1) Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.
我国的基本政治制度有哪些That health and beauty are linked is not in doubt. But it comes as something of a surprise that who is(36) as beautiful depends not only on the health of a person but also on the average level of health in the place where she lives. This, though, is the conclusion of a study just published in Biology Letters by Urszula Marcinkowska of the University of Turku, in Finland, and her (37) _____for Ms. Macinkowska has found that men in healthy countries think women with the most (38)_____ face are the prettiest whilst those in unhealthy places prefer more masculine-looking ones.Ms Marcinkowska came to this conclusion by showing nearly 2,000
men from 28 countries various versions of the same female faces, (39) _____to look less or more feminine and thus (40) _____the effect of different levels of oestrogen and testosterone.Oestrogen promotes (41) _____such as large eyes and full lips, that are (42)_____ feminine.Testosterone promo
tes (43) _____features, such as wide faces and strong chins.
Previous studies have shown that women with feminine features are more fertile. A man”s (44) _____for them is thus likely to enhance his reproductive success. Ms Marcinkowska speculates that testosterone-induced behavioral characteristics like (45) which might be expected to correlate with masculine-looking faces even in women (they certainly do in men), help in the competition for resources needed to sustain children once they are born. But why that should be particularly important in an unhealthy country is unclear.
A. features
B. refined
C. feminine
D. favorable
E. modified
F. perceived消防工程师证有什么用待遇
G. preference
H. dominance
福建二建报名网站登录I. genetically
J. personality
K. characteristically L. masculine
M. valuable
N. colleagues
O. reflect