  目: 植物信息管理系统——管理模块
专业班级:合肥中小学教师招聘网      计算机1002班      
    号:      20***********  
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指导教师姓名   王克俭     
指导教师职称  山东就业信息网登录入口副教授    贵州人事考试网首页     
二零一四  一 
本系统的名称是塞罕坝植物信息管理系统。该系统对塞罕坝植物的科名、属名、种名、生态环境、地理分布、用途等作了介绍 ,利用文字输入到计算机中 ,以 SQL Server建立后台数据库 ,并通过 ASP制作查询、管理网页 ,初步建立了塞罕坝植物信息系统 。该系统能够实现用户通过浏览器访问来进行检索,包括按植物名称检索和按植物特征检索两种功能,以及管理员对植物信息的管理和对用户信息的管理。该平台可以使用户更多的了解塞罕坝植物为实现生物多样性的有效保护、合理利用和可持续发展战略奠定基础。
    SAIHANBA extremely rich in biological resources, unique regional landscape, both plateaus, forest and grassland coexistence,diversity of plants and their conduct in the region, for the rational exploitation and protection of plant resources to carry out forest-steppe ecotone ecosystems scientific research,according to local conditions to develop forestry and tourism development plan,are of great significance.Therefore, the plant information integration,developing a collection of all plant species SAIHANBA information system is particularly necessary.
    The name of the system is SAIHANBA plant information management system.The system of Family SAIHANBA plant genus name,introduced species name, ecology,geographical distribution,use, etc., the use of text entered into the computer,in order to establish a SQL Server back-end database,and produced by ASP query, management Web,initially established SAIHANBA plant information systems.The system enables the user to retrieve the browser visits, including by the plant by plant name search and retrieval features two functions,as well as administrators to manage plant information and management of user information.The platform allows users to learn more
about SAIHANBA plants for effective biodiversity conservation, rational use and sustainable development foundation.
Keywords:Plants,retrieval, information management system