situate vt.使位于某地
e.g.It is said that they will situate a monument on the hillside
The new gymnasium is situated at the eastern extremity of the city.
paradise: the Garden of Eden.伊甸园,乐园
e.g.paradise bird风鸟,极乐鸟
paradise valley []世外桃源(指美国西部)
tax paradise避税港
This club is a sportsmans paradise. ()这个俱乐部是运动爱好者的乐园。
These forests are a hunter’s paradise. 这些树林是猎人的乐园。
on a hot day a dip in the sea is a sheer paradise.
accordingly adv按照;据此;于是 因此;所以
e.g.He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went.
regular adj.规则的, 有秩序的, 经常的
e.g.a regular customer 老主顾
Johns our regular caller. 约翰是我家的常客。
a regular air service定期航班
a regular meeting例会
keep regular hours过有规律的生活
He is an odd old man and keeps exactly regular hours.
Do you want king size cigarettes or regular size?
little wonder
(Its) no /little/ small wonder () 难怪...,...并不奇怪
no wonder 难怪;并不奇怪;当然
e.g.No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.
--His spoken English is so excellent.
--That’s for sure. He once lived in Chicago for more than two years.
--No wonder/little wonder.
No wonder his spoken English is so excellent, He once lived in Chicago for more than two years.
scared adj. 害怕的,恐惧的
e.g.I was scared of the big dog. 我害怕这条大狗。
You needn’t be so scared; I don’t think it is so scaring. 别害怕,没什么可怕的。
The small animals were scared like anything when they saw a tiger walking towards them.
vegetation n. 植被一个地区的植物;植被
e.g.The protection of natural vegetation has been placed on the agenda.
The luxuriant vegetation of tropical forest is a great attraction for many tourists.
The vegetation is lush on the Hawaiian Islands.
mighty 有力的;强大的
e.g.He gave the door a mighty push and it opened.
2021年国家公务员考试简章He struck the rock a mighty blow with a hammer.
mighty force强大的力量
a mighty wind强风
mighty rulers有势力的统治者
a mighty hit极其轰动的作品、事物、人物
be laden with
e.g.The apple trees were laden with fruit.
He seldom stops to have a breath, for he is laden with responsibility for the whole project.
There is a ship laden with cargo is making sail.
earthly adj世俗的;现世的;可能的
e.g.In this earthly life nothing is perfect.
Theres no earthly reason for me to go.
formidable adj2021年山东公务员职位表可怕的;令人生畏的;艰难的;难以克服的
e.g.He doesn’t like persons with a formidable appearance. 面目可憎的人
The head of the research section was a formidable old professor.
You have really given a formidable question. 这是个难以回答的问题。
They faced formidable difficulties in their attempt to reach the mountain summit.
indistinguishable adj. 不能分辨的,难以分辨的
e.g.The twin sisters are almost indistinguishable.
Those figures are nearly indistinguishable.
Those two models are indistinguishable from each other.
warning n. 警告; 告诫; 前兆, 借鉴
e.g.a warning light警灯
Let that be a warning to you. 以那事作为你的借鉴。
The black clouds gave warning of an approaching storm.
warn vt.
(常与of, against连用或和不定式连用)警告;提醒;告诫
e.g.He was warned against the danger ahead. 他被告知前面有危险。
He warned me against pickpockets on the bus. 他警告我车上有扒手。
She warned me of the dangerous road, so I crossed it carefully.
We warned them not to skate on such thin ice. 我们警告他们不要在这么薄的冰上滑冰。
e.g.The whistle warned visitors that the ship was ready to sail.
current n.水、气、电流
e.g.Although he was a strong swimmer he was swept away by the current and was drowned.
The warm currents in the Atlantic influence the climate of the Great Britain.
A cold current of air came in when the door was opened.
adj. 现时的;当今的;流通的;通用的
e.g.current English 当代英语
current money 通用的货币
current events时事
Use of English
     Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase marked A,B,C or D for each numbered blank.      Nearly three-quarters of the earth is covered with water. Water heats up more slowly than land, but once it has become warm, it takes longer to_1_down. If the earth’s surface were entirely land, the temperature at night would_2_quite quickly and night would become cooler than the day, as it is on the moon. This does_3_happen in inl
and deserts, the temperate_4_, is very much affected by the oceans around them. The areas close to the sea have a “maritime climate”, _5_rather cool summers and warm winters. The interiors, far from the sea, have a_6_climate with extremely hot summers and cold winters.
     Rain_7_from the evaporation of rivers, seas and lakes. Even after heavy rain the pavements in the city do not take long to dry_8_the rainwater evaporates into the air. on a warm dry day it evaporates very rapidly, _9_warm air can absorb more moisture than cold air. But at any particular temperature, the_10_can hold only a certain maximum amount of water vapor. The air is then saturated like a sponge that can not hold_11_more water. The lower the temperature, the_12_ water vapor is required to saturate the air.
     All over the surface of the earth, millions of tons of water are_13_every second, condensing in the air into drops so small_14_it takes thousands of them to make a single raindrop. It is these_15_ droplets that make clouds. When clouds roll in from the sea over the warmer land, they are forced to_16_and become cooler in the colder atmosphere. As the air cools sown, it may pass through its saturation point and_17_some of its water vap
or turns to rain. Day in , day out,the_18_water circulates between the air and the land:rivers_19_to make clouds, clouds make rain, rain makes rivers which in turn run into the sea. This is called the rain_20_.
l B.balance C.dense
2.A.rise B.loose C.miss D.fall
3.A. C. however D.ust
isture C. s
5.A.with B.instead of C. within D.owing to
7.A.sult strains
8.A.though B.because C.while D.so that
9.A.w that C.as D.as long as
10.A.climate B.atmosphere C.weather D.rivers
B.some C.any D.much
B.less C.ater
13.A.heating up B.flowing C. ving
14.A.for B.that C.
15.A.ugh C.tiny D.circulating
16.A.raise B.drop C.be cold D.rise
17.A.then B.ly D.soon
18.A.running B.vapor C.evaporated D.same
19.A. C.d
20.A.saturation B.effect D.le