PartⅠ. Listening Comprehension Section A: 10 Statements Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 statements. Each sentence will be spoken just once. The sentence you hear will not be written out for you. After you hear each sentence, read the four choices in your test paper, marked, A, B, C, and D, and decide which one is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. Then, on your Answer Sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. 1.
A. Channel Three Carries CBS news.
山东人社厅最新文件B. Channel Six carries CBS news.
C. Channel Thirteen carries CBS news.
D. Channel Thirty carries CBS news. 2. A. A used book is $6 cheaper than a new book. B. A used book costs $2.50. C. Mary saved $3.50. D. A new book costs $8.50. 3. Bill’s sister graduated. B.Whne Bill graduated, his sister was proud of him. C. Bill was very proud of his sister. D. Bill was very proud when he graduated. 4. A. It is very dangerous to practice driving at the shopping center. B. Some places are
better to practice driving than the shopping center C. It is better mot to practice driving at the shopping center.
D. The shopping center is the best place to practice driving. 5. A. Both of my children came. B. Only my son came. C. Only my daughter came. D. Neither of my children came. 6. A. The new students are not homesick. B. The new students used to be homesick, but they are mot homesick now. C. The new students have not been very long. D. since I have here longer than the new students, I am mot homesick. 7. A. Mrs. Smith has traveled less than her husband has. B. Mrs. Smith always travels with her husband.
C. Mrs. Smith husband does not travel very far.
D. Neithe Mrs. Smith nor her husband travel very much any more. 8. A. You should go to Florida again this year. B. Although you usually go to Florida, this year you should go to
California instead. C. This year you should go to Florida instead of to California. D.You should return to California this year. 9. A. John always tells secrets. B. John never tells secrets. C. John is meant to tell secrets. D. John keeps secrets. 10. A. Mr. Smith stopped drinking when his doctor told him that he had to. B. Mr. Smith’s doctor did not stop drinking. C. Mr. Smith drinks in spite of his
doctor’s advice. Section B: Conversations Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The comversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and deside which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a sing line through the center. 11. A. To the hospital B. To the beach. C. To the a department store. D. To a parking area. 12. A. Registration. B. When the line breaks. C. People who don’t wait their turn. D. How long the line is.特岗教师中途考上编制
福州公务员岗位招录表13. A. Because he wanted to meet the woman’s parents. B. Because he didn’t know the woman’s plans. C. Because he goes to a country house each August. D. Because he won’t be able to take a holiday. 15. A. Friends. B. Late for the meeting. C. Hurry to the meeting. D. Take a bus. 16. A. Friends. B. Doctor and patient. C. Solesman and consumer.
D. Teacher and student. 17. A. He can’t read the clock. B. He can’t write. C. He can’t speak. D. He can’t read books. 18. A. 5:10 B. 5:00 C. 10:05 D. 9:55 19. A. In a bakery. B. In a restaurant. C. On a farm. D, Ina hotel. 20.
B. $4.5.
D.$9. Section C: Directions: In this section, you will hear one short passage. At the end of the passage, you will hear five questions, both the passage and the questions will be spoken twice. After you hear the question, you must choos the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. Who is the speaker? A. The head of the student organization. B. The dean of students. C. The director of Butler Hall. D. A college professor. 2. Which group of students is the speaker addressing? A. Those who will be on campus during a vacation. B. Those who work part-time in the administration of –fices. C. Those who normally live Butler Hall. D. Those who will be moving on campus in a few months. 3. Which season of the year is it? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Fall. D. winter. 4. For how long will the dormitories remain closed? A. For weekend. B. For five days. C. for ten days. D. For two weeks. 5. Which statement is TRUE about college facilities during the vacation period? A. Only a few facilities will be closed. B. Most facilities will be closed. C. Most facilities will operate on a reduced schedule. D. All facilities will be open.
PartⅡ. Reading comprehension Directions: There are
4passages in this part. Each of the first three passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). you should decide on the best choice. Answer the questions on the four passages. Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. When we meet another person for the first time, we are actually flooded with new information. Almost at once, we notice his appearance,
style of dress, and monner of speech. Furthermore, as we listen to what he has to say and observe the things he does, we begin to form some ideas of what kind of person hisand what he intends to do. As you know from your own experience, though, we do not only gather these separate pieces of information. Instead, we go further and combine them into a unified picture. In short, we form an overall im pression of each person we meet-an impression that can be favorable or unfavorable. But how precisely do we perform this task? How do we combine so much different information into a clear first impression with such quick speed? A great deal of research has been performed on this question, and resulits point to the following answer: We