2021国家线考研分数线公布    高校英语四级作文开头句式1
    1.Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning/coming to realize/accept/(be aware)
    2.Now there is a(n)growing awareness/recognition of the
    3.Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of ...
    1.When , the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that …. But I think/view a bit differently.
    2.When it comes to ...., some people believe that…. Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but I tend to the former/latter.
    3.Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/ They claim/ believe/argue that ... But I wonder/
    ①Thank you for your letter of …
    ②It is a pleasure for me invite you on behalf of … to accept …
    ③Thanks so much for your letter , which arrived …
    ④I am writing to you with reference to …
    ⑤I am writing to you in connection with …
    ⑥I would be grateful if you could / would …
    ⑦I would like to know some information on …
    ⑧It will be appreciated if you can / could …
    ⑨I would also like to know if you can / could …
    ⑩I look forward to hearing from you
    1.Knowledge is power. This is the remark made by Bacon. This remark has been shared by more and more people.
    2.Education is not complete with graduation. This is the opinion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opinion.
    3..... We often hear statements/words like those/this. [4] We often hear such traditional complains as this .....
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    1.For years, ...had been viewed as .... But people are taking a fresh look now. With the growing ..., people .... 英语六级什么时候考试>黑龙江人事考试信息网
    2.People used to think that ... (In the past, ....) But people now share this new idea.
    ①My own experience tells me that …
    ②In my opinion , we should attack more importance to …
    ③As for my own idea about … I believe …
    ④As far as I am concerned , I plan to …
    ⑤Personally , I prefer …
    ⑥In my view , both sides are partly right in that …
    ⑦But for me , I would rather …
    ⑧My own point of view is that …
广东省公务员考试历年真题    ⑨In conclusion , I support the statement that …
    ⑩As regards me , I tend to choose …
    1.Once in (a newspaper), I read The phenomenon of ... has aroused public concern.
    2.I have a friend who ... Should he ....? Such a dilemma we are often confronted with in our daily life.
    3.Once upon a time, there lived a man who .... This story may be (unbelievable), but it still has a realistic significance now.
    ①Some people like / prefer …, while others are / feel inclined to …
    ②There are different opinions among people as to … Some believe … whole hold …
    ③Some people claim that … is superior to … Others , however , disagree with it .