基本结构:特殊疑问词+ 助动词 + sb.+实义动词+其他成分?
What      does    Tom    read  in his spare time?
Why      did    Tom    say  sorry?
注意:1)usually, often, always等频率副词的位置:
          What does Tom usually read in his spare time?
          2)特殊疑问句的语调: 用降调
助动词:一般现在时: do/does      一般过去时:did    河南省招生信息服务平台一般将来时: will
义乌人才网招聘        现在进行时:is/are doing    过去进行时:was/were doing
        现在完成时:has/have done  过去完成时:had done
1. 问什么? What
1)问某人什么意思?---What does Tom mean?(Tom 说的是什么意思)?
              ----He means that he will wait for John.
---What do you mean by learning style?(你说的学习风格是什么意思)
      ---I mean different ways of learning.           
--What do you think of the queuing in England?(你如何看待英国的排队事情)
---I think +that从句.
问某人对。。。的印象:---What’s her impression about China?
                    ---She thought that China was a great country.
问某人印象最深是。。?--What is the most impressive thing in your trip?
3)问两者什么关系?--What is the relationship between Tom and John?
                  -- They are brothers.(他们是兄弟)
4)问关于什么(be about)?---What is the story about?(这个故事关于什么)
                    ---It’s about an old man who lived lonely in the town.
5)问买了什么给某人?--What did Tom buy for his mother?
                    ---He bought a book for his mother.
6)问什么类型\哪一类?---What kind of music is this song?(这首歌属于哪一类音乐)
                    ----It is pop music.
7)湖南大学研究生招生信息网问发生什么事?----What happened to Tom?(Tom 发生什么事了)
                ----Tom quarrelled with his parents.(Tom和父母吵架了)
8)问什么东西cpa最佳考试搭配---What bad news did they get?(他们得知什么坏消息)
              --- Their father died in an traffic accident.
9).问喜欢做什么?--What does Tom like to do in his spare time?
                ---Tom likes playing basketball in his spare time.
10).问最喜欢什么东西?---What is Tom’s favorite sport?
                  ----His favorite sport is basketball.                 
11)问最喜欢什么类型的东西? ----What kind of sport does Tom like best?
----Tom likes playing basketball best.
12)问什么最吸引某人?---What attracted Tom most in the film?
                  ---The beautiful views attracted Tom most.
13)问天气---What’s the weather like?----It’s sunny..
14)问职业----What does Tom’s father do?/ What’s Tom’s father’s job?
---He is a doctor.
15)问还有什么?----What else did Tom’s father give to Tom?
(Tom的爸爸还给了Tom 什么东西?)
              ----He gave Tom a bike.
  问还有其他什么?---What other 国考申论大作文评分标准activities did Tom take part in?
16)是什么让某人从…变成…?  ----What makes Tom change from a farmer to a super star?
17) 问颜  --- What colour is the bag?  --- It’s blue.
18) 问材料--- What’s the table made of?  --It’s made of wood.
---What’s the red wine made from?  ---It’s made from grapes.
19)问规格    ---What size is your sweater?  --- It’s XXL.
20)问形状  ---- What does it look like?  --- It’s round/ long.
--- What’s the shape of the clouds?    ---They are circle.
2.问时间,日期:----When does Tom get up in the morning?
                ----He gets up at
---When was Tom born?
                  ---Tom was born on January 10, 2003.
3.问持续时间(spend?):  ----How much time will Tom spend in watching TV?
hebeixkcom会考成绩查询                  (Tom会花了多少时间看电视?)
---- Tom will spend 3 hours in watching TV.
或者----How long will you stay at home?(你停留在某个地方多久)
---- I will stay at home for 1 hour.
4. 问地点: -----Where will you read?  -----I will read at home.
问这段对话发生在哪里:---Where does the conversation take place?
                        ---On the way to Tom’s home
问在哪里制造?----Where was the vase(花瓶) made?  ----It was made in China.
5.问从哪里得到什么东西:---Where did you get the book?  ----- I got the book in the library.
6.问方式: ----How will you go to Beijing?  ---- I will go to Beijing by plane.
7.问频率:----How often does Tom play table tennis?
      ----He plays table tennis once a week.
8.问与谁人在一起做什么:----Whom did Tom go there with?
----He went there with his friend John
9. 问某人的?----Whose horse is Blue Jeans?(Blue Jeans是谁的马?)
            ----It is Tom’s horse.
10.问花了多少钱?----How much did Tom spend on the books?(Tom花了多少钱买书?)
-            ---He spent fifty yuan on the books.
或----How much is the ticket? 门票多少钱?------Ten dollars.