Section Ⅰ Use of English
Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
Ways of shopping for goods have changed a lot in the last 50 years. People used to go to several shops to buy their daily (1) _____.For example, they went to a (2) _____ shop for meat, a fish market for fish and a farmer’s market for vegetables,(3) _____ were often grown locally. These days, (4) _____, people usually do all their shopping at a supermarket (5) _____ they can buy everything they need (6) _____ the same roof.
In the (7) _____ of convenience nearly everything in a supermarket is prepackaged. But as the environmental (8) _____ of this type of convenience have become clear, consumers have begun to (9) _____ its true value. The packaging used by supermarkets causes many environmental (10) _____ .Th
e demand for paper for wrapping (11) _____ the cutting down of forests around the world. Making plastic shopping bags (12) _____huge amounts of oil. The natural resources used to (13) _____ packaging are generally wasted because (14) _____ consumers only throw the packaging away. We are then (15) _____ with the big problem to deal with all the
packaging we throw away.
The problems of supermarket packaging (16) _____ seem impossible to solve, but there are things consumers can do. First we can try to buy products (17) _____ as little packaging as possible. Second, we can (18) _____ the extra bags and packaging supermarkets offer consumers. Finally we can bring our own bags to the supermarket and reuse any plastic bags (19) _____ containers we bring home. These measures may seem small, but (20) _____ consumers join together in reducing waste and reusing packaging we can make real progress in the effort to have both convenient lifestyles and a clean environment.
1. A. necessary
B. necessities
C. necessity
D. need
2. A. butcher’s
B. grocer’s
C. baker’s
D. barber’s
3. A. that
B. where
C. which
D. what
4. A. therefore
B. hence
C. moreover
D. however
5. A. which
B. where
C. when
D. that
6. A. under
B. in
建筑英才网招聘C. on
D. below
7. A. term
B. case
C. name
D. position
8. A. prices
B. costs
C. values
D. worth
9. A. ask
B. demand
C. question
D. inquire
10. A. problems
B. puzzles
C. questions
D. inconvenience
11. A. improves
B. encourages
C. promotes
D. maintains
中公教育总部退款电话12. A. need
B. needed
C. needing
D. needs
13. A. make
B. mark
C. cover
D. offer
14. A. our
B. we
C. their
D. a few
15. A. confronting
B. facing
C. faced
D. encountering
16. A. can
B. shall
C. may
D. will
17. A. of
B. without
C. for
华图教育面试培训班D. with
18. A. refuse
B. reject
C. receive山东公务员笔试成绩查询
D. accept
19. A. and
B. or
C. with
D. nor
20. A. whether
B. unless
C. lest
D. if
23国家公务员考试公告1. B necessity需要;必需品。此处daily necessities意为“日用品”,日用品指多种东西,
2. A    a butcher’s shop肉店。a grocer’s shop杂货店,食品店。a baker’s shop面
包店。a barber’s shop理发店。
3. C 语法题。考察非限定性定语从句的引导词。that不可引导非限定性定语从句;where
4. D 空格前面提到过去人们常常去各种不同的店里购买生活必需品,而空格所在句子介绍
5. B 空格所在句子为定语从句,缺少作地点状语的引导词,where符合要求。
6. A 介词搭配。under the same roof 固定搭配,意为“在同一屋檐下,同一房间里”。
7. C 这里指“为方便起见,几乎超市里所有的商品都被预先包装好了”,in the name of
8. B 联系上下文,可知,此处表达“但是随着这种便利方式带来的环境代价愈发明显”之
9. C 根据上下文,可知,此处表达“消费者们已经开始质疑它的真正价值”之意,因此
10. A problem指棘手的、难以解决的问题。文中指的是超市的包装带来了许多环境难题,