1. What will the weather be like in the afternoon?
2. What is Ted doing?
AHolding a meeting.
BMaking a speech.
CWorking on his report.
3. How did Mike feel about the opera?
4. When will Mary have a job interview?
AAt 9:00 am.
BAt 10:00 am.
CAt 3:00 pm.
5. Who is the woman most probably talking to?
AA repairman.
BA customer.
CA car salesman.
6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What will Paul do tomorrow morning?
ATake classes.
BGo on a field trip.
CPlay a computer game.
2. What is the relationship between the speakers?
AMother and son.
BFather and daughter.
CTeacher and student.
7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Where does the conversation take place?
AOn the phone.
BIn the bank.
CIn the supermarket.
2. Who might spend money on the account?
AThe woman.
BThe man’s wife.
CThe man’s child.
8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the boy ask the woman to do?
AFind something to read.
BCheck his reader’s card.
CLook for his student ID card.
2. On which floor can the boy find music books?
AThe 2nd one.
BThe 3rd one.
CThe 6th one
3. How long can the boy keep magazines and newspapers at most?
AFor about two weeks.
BFor about two months.
C全国二级建造师报名服务平台For about one month.
9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the watch look like?
AThe face of it is black.
BThe face of it is square.
CIt has a leather white band.
2. Why is the watch special to Helen?
AIt tells the right time.
BIt is worth a lot of money.
CIt reminds her of her grandfather.
3. What do we know about Helen’s grandfather?
AHe is still alive.
BHe got the watch from his father.
CHe came to England with a little money.
4. What will Helen do with the watch?
ASell it.
BContinue to keep it.
CGive it to her father.
10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
AAn announcement.
BA playground.
CA notebook.
2. What is the main purpose of the speech?
ATo discuss the weekday plans.
BTo tell the history of a museum.
CTo inform some changes of a visit.
3. Where will teachers and students meet tomorrow morning?
AAt the bus stop.
BAt the school gate.
COn the playground.
4. What does the speaker suggest doing in the museum?
ATaking a camera.
BAvoiding touching things.
CWearing comfortable clothes.
11. Investment Competition
About the Competition
The Wharton Global High School Investment Competition is a free, online investment simulation (模拟) for high school students(9th to 12th grade)and teachers. Students work in teams of four to seven, guided by a teacher as their advisor (顾问). Together, they learn about teamwork, communication, risk, companies and industry analysis and many other important aspects of investing.
Teams examine a brief case study featuring a potential client and are tasked with working closely to meet that client’s long term investment goals. Equipped with an approved stock list and the Wharton Investment Simulator (WInS), which allows them to simulate (模拟) stock trading, students develop an investment strategy, analyze sectors and companies, and build a portfolio (投资组合) using $ 100 ,000 in virtual cash provided by WInS over the course of 10 weeks. Winners are selected on the strength of their team strategies, not on the growth of their portfolios.
Final reports are reviewed by a team of judges, who select 50 semi-finalist teams. Those teams are invited to present their strategies to a panel of expert judges at the virtual semifinals. The top 10 teams from the semifinals move on to the final of the competition, the Global Finale, at Wharton in Philadelphia.
Please Remember
Once advisors register for the competition, they will receive a confirmation email with instructions to set up their student team accounts on WInS, our trading platform. Student team accounts must be set up no later than September 20, 2023. In order to complete the registration form, advisors will need to:
Choose the username and password for their advisor accounts.
Provide their school-issued email address, as well as a back-up email address where all competition communications will be sent.
1. What’s the function of WInS?
AOffering virtual cash.
BStudying some brief cases.
CMaking people win business.
DUnderstanding clients’ requirements.
2. What can we know about the Global Finale?
AAll final reports must be delivered to it.
BIt’s the highest level of the competition.
CIt’s a final graded by clients’ opinions.
DAbout fifty teams can participate in it.
3. What should advisors do after registering for the competition?